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<p>Twitter's <a href="">terms of service</a> don't allow tweet datasets to be published on the web, but they do allow tweet identifier datasets to be shared. This speaks to users rights as content creators, while also allowing researchers to share their data with others.</p>
<p>This site is a catalog of datasets that are publicly available on the web. If you would like to turn these tweet identifier datasets back into the original JSON first download the dataset and then use the <a href="">Hydrator</a> desktop application, or <a href="">Twarc</a> if you are comfortable working at the command line.</p>
<p>You can add your own datasets to the catalog by following <a href="">these instructions</a>. If you'd like updates when datasets are added please subscribe to the <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/feed.xml">RSS feed</a>. All metadata listed here is licensed <a href="">CC0</a>. You may want to refer to <a href="">our code of conduct</a> if you have questions or concerns about the datasets we list here.</p>
<ul class="datasets">
{% assign sorted_datasets = ( | sort: 'published' | reverse) %}
{% for dataset in sorted_datasets %}
<li class="dataset">
<div class="title"><a href="{{ dataset.url }}">{{ dataset.title }}</a></div>
<div class="creator">Creator: {{ dataset.creator | join: ', ' }}</div>
<div class="tweets">Tweets: {{ dataset.tweets }}</div>
<div class="published">Published: {{ dataset.published }}</div>
{% if dataset.dates %}<div class="dates">Date Coverage: {{ dataset.dates | join: ', '}}</div>{% endif %}
<div class="tags">Tags: {{ dataset.tags | join: ', '}}</div>
<details class="description">
<p>{{ dataset.description | markdownify }}</p>
{% endfor %}