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title: US-RSE
subtitle: The US Research Software Engineer Community
use-site-title: true
<div class="main-explain-area jumbotron">
<h2> What is an RSE? </h2>
<p> We like an inclusive definition of Research Software Engineers to encompass anyone who views
the main focus of their work as the development of research software. This can range from a
researcher who does a significant amount of programming to a software engineer who happens to work
on code that solves a research problem. See more <a href='{{ site.baseurl }}/what-is-an-rse'>here</a>.</p>
<h2> What is the US-RSE? </h2>
<p>Initiatives in the <a href=''>UK</a>, <a href=''>Germany</a>,
the <a href=''>Netherlands</a> and elsewhere are bringing
together the community of people writing and contributing to research software at
the national and international level. In the US this encompasses
universities, laboratories, knowledge institutes, companies and other
enterprises. This site is part of that effort.</p>
<div class="get-started-wrap">
<a class="btn btn-success btn-lg get-started-btn" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/join">Join US-RSE!</a>
<h1><center> RSE News & Updates </center> </h1>
<div class="posts-list">
{% for post in paginator.posts %}
<article class="post-preview">
<a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
<h2 class="post-title">{{ post.title }}</h2>
{% if post.subtitle %}
<h3 class="post-subtitle">
{{ post.subtitle }}
{% endif %}
<p class="post-meta">
Posted on {{ | date: "%B %-d, %Y" }}
<div class="post-entry-container">
{% if post.image %}
<div class="post-image">
<a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
<img src="{{ post.image }}">
{% endif %}
<div class="post-entry">
{{ post.excerpt | strip_html | xml_escape | truncatewords: site.excerpt_length }}
{% assign excerpt_word_count = post.excerpt | number_of_words %}
{% if post.content != post.excerpt or excerpt_word_count > site.excerpt_length %}
<a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}" class="post-read-more">[Read&nbsp;More]</a>
{% endif %}
{% if post.tags.size > 0 %}
<div class="blog-tags">
{% if %}
{% for tag in post.tags %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/tags#{{- tag -}}">{{- tag -}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{{ post.tags | join: ", " }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %}
<ul class="pager main-pager">
{% if paginator.previous_page %}
<li class="previous">
<a href="{{ paginator.previous_page_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">&larr; Newer Posts</a>
{% endif %}
{% if paginator.next_page %}
<li class="next">
<a href="{{ paginator.next_page_path | prepend: site.baseurl | replace: '//', '/' }}">Older Posts &rarr;</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}