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Identifying East and West Germans in the European Social Survey: A demonstration in R

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Author
  3. Key documents
  4. Licenses
  5. Recommended citation


As a complement to my (Philippe Joly's) paper on “Generations and Protest in Eastern Germany,” I have prepared a vignette explaining how to identify East and West Germans in the European Social Survey (ESS), while accounting for east-west migration in Germany. The categorization follows a political socialization approach.

The vignette was written in R Markdown and the html output is available on my website.


  • Philippe Joly, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Key documents

  • Contributing - How to contribute to the development of this project.
  • Code of conduct - The code of conduct that contributors are expected to adhere to.
  • Vignette - The vignette demonstrating the procedure in R.



Vignette content license: CC BY

Code and software

Software associated with the vignette carries the following license: License:MIT

Recommended citation

Philippe Joly. (2019, February 7). jolyphil/ess-east-west: First release (Version 1.0.0). Zenodo. DOI