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executable file 26 lines (19 sloc) 610 Bytes
# git checkout master
# git pull
# Update version in project
PYVAR="__appversion__ = "
VERSION_STRING=`date -u +0.%Y.%m.%d.%H%M`
# Update mementoembed version
# echo $PYVAR\'$VERSION_STRING\'>'mementoembed/'$FILE_NAME
sed -i.bak "s/^__appversion__ = .*$/__appversion__ = '$VERSION_STRING'/g" $FILE_NAME
# uncomment below when ready
# Push to GitHub
# git add 'ipwb/'$FILE_NAME
# git commit -m "RELEASE: Bump version for pypi to "$VERSION_STRING
# Create a tag in repo
# git tag $TAG_NAME
# git push
# git push origin $TAG_NAME