Researcher - Software Engineer

Featured Research Work

Improving Collection Understanding in Web Archives
Presented at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2018 Doctoral Consortium

Here I presented work done on my dissertation so far. The doctoral consortium allows me to acquire feedback from the community before I submit my dissertation proposal to the university. Here I propose using a visualization of representative mementos to aide in collection understanding of web archive collections, as inspired by AlNomanay's work.

Blog Post
How well are the National Guideline Clearinghouse and the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse Archived?
Web Science and Digital Libraries Research Group Blog

There are two US government websites in danger, the National Guideline Clearinghouse ( and the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse ( Both store medical guidelines. Both will "not be available after July 16, 2018". Seeing at these two sites will be shut down on July 16, 2018, how well are they archived?

Image from Avoiding spoilers: wiki time travel with Sheldon Cooper
Avoiding spoilers: wiki time travel with Sheldon Cooper
Published in the International Journal of Digital Libraries

A variety of fan-based wikis about episodic fiction (e.g., television shows, novels, movies) exist on the World Wide Web. In this paper, we explore how well one can use the Internet Archive to avoid spoilers in the wikis inspired by popular TV shows.

Recent Research Work

Software Project

A tool to create archive-aware oEmbed-compatible embeddable surrogates for archived web pages (mementos). The system currently creates social cards for mementos but will be expanded to include other surrogates like thumbnails. MementoEmbed is different from other surrogate-generation systems in that it provides access to archive-specific information, such as the original domain of the URI-M, its memento-datetime, and to which collection a memento belongs.

The Many Shapes of Archive-It
From the Proceedings of the the 15th International Conference on Digital Preservation

We examine different collections at the web archive collection service Archive-It. From here we demonstrate the use of several different structural features that can be used to predict the type of collection.

The Off-Topic Memento Toolkit
From the Proceedings of the the 15th International Conference on Digital Preservation

Web archive collections sometimes contain mementos that are off topic. In this paper I demonstrate an evaluation of the Off Topic Memento Toolkit, for detecting such off-topic mementos.

I have worked in industry for more than 18 years, participating in many aspects of systems and software engineering.

Now I am a Ph.D. student at Old Dominion University majoring in Computer Science under the guidance of Dr. Michael L. Nelson. My focus area is digital preservation, specifically web archiving.

Above, you can find out more information about my journey through academia.

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