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The Timbre Perception Test (TPT) software was developed by Harin Lee and Daniel Müllensiefen. The TPT is a novel interactive software that is sought to measure individual differences in timbre perception. We believe this tool will provide much benefits to the music psychology community.


The software is programmed in the Max MSP environment. You can run the software on both Mac OS and Windows operating system as a standalone application or by opening the patch directly. This patch can also be manipulated to test perception arising from various auditory attributes (e.g., pitch, rhythm).


  1. Run standalone application or the 'TPT.maxpat'
  2. Test yourself or participants
  3. Pop-up window will open at the end listing a) trial number
    b) target value
    c) performance value
    d) number of target sound playbacks
    e) number of performance sound playbacks
    in a respective order.


Please do not hesitate to contact for any enquiries.