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474 lines (459 sloc) 13.7 KB
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"items": [
"itemType": "book",
"title": "The gull's hornbook : Stultorum plena sunt omnia. Al savio mezza parola basta",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Thomas",
"lastName": "Dekker",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Nott",
"creatorType": "author"
"lastName": "University of Pittsburgh Library System",
"creatorType": "contributor",
"fieldMode": 1
"date": "1812",
"abstractNote": "Notes by John Nott; Bibliography of Dekker: p. iii-ix",
"callNumber": "31735060398496",
"language": "eng",
"libraryCatalog": "Internet Archive",
"numPages": "228",
"publisher": "Bristol, Reprinted for J.M. Gutch and Sold in London by R. Baldwin, and R. Triphook",
"shortTitle": "The gull's hornbook",
"url": "",
"attachments": [
"title": "Internet Archive Fulltext PDF",
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"itemType": "audioRecording",
"title": "Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Steven Taylor and Bobbi Louise Hawkins performance, July, 1989.",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Allen",
"lastName": "Ginsberg",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "Bobbie Louise",
"lastName": "Hawkins",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "Steven",
"lastName": "Taylor",
"creatorType": "author"
"firstName": "Anne",
"lastName": "Waldman",
"creatorType": "author"
"date": "1989-07-08 00:00:00",
"abstractNote": "Second half of a reading with Allen Ginsberg, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Anne Waldman, and Steven Taylor. This portion of the reading features Waldman and Ginsberg. (Continued from 89P045)",
"accessDate": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
"libraryCatalog": "Internet Archive",
"publisher": "Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics",
"rights": "",
"runningTime": "1:30:05",
"url": "",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [],
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "film",
"title": "About Bananas",
"creators": [
"lastName": "Castle Films",
"creatorType": "author",
"fieldMode": 1
"date": "1935",
"abstractNote": "Complete presentation of the banana industry from the clearing of the jungle and the planting to the shipment of the fruit to the American markets.",
"accessDate": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
"libraryCatalog": "Internet Archive",
"rights": "",
"runningTime": "11:03",
"url": "",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"Agriculture: Bananas",
"Central America"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "computerProgram",
"title": "Oregon Trail, The",
"creators": [
"lastName": "MECC",
"creatorType": "author",
"fieldMode": 1
"date": "1990",
"abstractNote": "Published by\n MECC\nDeveloped by\n MECC\nReleased\n 1990\nAlso For\n Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x \nGenre\n Adventure, Educational, Simulation\nPerspective\n 3rd-Person Perspective, Side-Scrolling\nSport\n Hunting\nTheme\n Managerial, Real-Time\nEducational\n Geography, HistoryDescription\n As a covered wagon party of pioneers, you head out west from Independence, Missouri to the Willamette River and valley in Oregon. You first must stock up on provisions, and then, while traveling, make decisions such as when to rest, how much food to eat, etc. The Oregon Trail incorporates simulation elements and planning ahead, along with discovery and adventure, as well as mini-game-like activities (hunting and floating down the Dalles River). From Original Entry",
"libraryCatalog": "Internet Archive",
"url": "",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [],
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "artwork",
"title": "Albert Einstein, Pasadena",
"creators": [],
"date": "1931",
"artworkMedium": "Gelatin silver print",
"libraryCatalog": "Internet Archive",
"rights": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Metropolitan Museum of Art Terms and Conditions</a>",
"url": "",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "book",
"title": "SIOP, the secret U.S. plan for nuclear war",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Peter",
"lastName": "Pringle",
"creatorType": "author"
"lastName": "Internet Archive",
"creatorType": "contributor",
"fieldMode": 1
"date": "1983",
"abstractNote": "Bibliography: p. 263-277; Includes index",
"language": "eng",
"libraryCatalog": "Internet Archive",
"numPages": "298",
"publisher": "New York : Norton",
"url": "",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"Nuclear warfare"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "tvBroadcast",
"title": "The Rachel Maddow Show : MSNBCW : January 13, 2017 6:00pm-7:01pm PST",
"creators": [
"lastName": "MSNBCW",
"creatorType": "contributor",
"fieldMode": 1
"date": "2017-01-14",
"abstractNote": "Rachel Maddow takes a look at the day's top political news stories.",
"language": "eng",
"libraryCatalog": "Internet Archive",
"runningTime": "01:01:00",
"shortTitle": "The Rachel Maddow Show",
"url": "",
"attachments": [],
"tags": [
"bernie sanders",
"chuck schumer",
"chuck todd",
"comcast business",
"donald trump",
"donald trump jr.",
"downy fabric conditioner",
"james comey",
"john lewis",
"michael beschloss",
"nancy pelosi",
"nbc news",
"osteo bi-flex",
"rachel maddow",
"richard nixon",
"south carolina",
"titan atlas",
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
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