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Continuous integration tests

The tests here are automatically used by travis see .travis.yml.


Testing works also locally. The only requirements should be an (recent) installation of nodejs. Then, for the dependencies you can simply type

npm install

Using the npm bindings

You can use the npm bindings to run tests on all translators:

  • npm start to run check for all errors and warnings with verbose output (slow, because only one core is used, such that the output will stay in alphabetical order)
  • npm test to run check for errors only with terse output (faster, because up to 8 cores are used, such that output will not stay in alphabetical order)

Using the scripts directly

You can use the bash script directly to run tests on a single translator, e.g.

# in .ci directory:
./ ../Amazon.js

# in translators directory:
.ci/ Amazon.js

Moreover, you can skip the warnings by using the --skip-warn option and reference the translators just by their label, e.g.

./ --skip-warn Amazon

You can also check the deleted.txt when deleting translators by


(This does a comparison with the master branch, which must be there but currently not checked out. Otherwise the test is skipped.)

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