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This module is intended for use with Archives Unleashed Cloud
derivative data and the Archives Unleashed Cloud notebooks.
For more information, please visit
from collections import Counter
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
class au_notebook:
Archives Unleashed Notebook helper functions.
# Maximum number of words to show in output.
# Jupyter will create an output error if the number is too high.
top_count = 30
# Domain suffixes to check non-U.S. domains so that (e.g.)
# will become "google".
stop_domains = ["co", "org", "net", "edu"] # Domain suffixes to remove.
# Minimum number of characters for a word to be included in a corpus.
minimum_word_length = 3 # Eliminates "it", "I", "be" etc.
# List of substrings to filter a text line, if desired.
line_filter = ["404 Not Found"]
# How many lines of text to use.
results_limit = 1000
# If you want to start at a different line, you can increase this.
# If results_start is great than results_limit you will get no results.
results_start = 0
# If you have a large file but want to sample the file more broadly.
# You can increase this value skip to every Nth line.
results_step = 1
# Change if you want a different filename.
output_filename = "./filtered_text.txt" # filename to output.
# Characters to show per text file in output.
# Larger numbers will result in more text showing in output.
max_characters = 75
# The years to include in the analysis.
# If empty, you will get all available years.
filtered_years = [] # E.g. ['2015', '2016', '2019'].
# The domains to include in the analysis.
# If empty, you will get all available domains.
filtered_domains = [] # E.g ["google", "apple", "facebook"].
# Use nltk stopwords?
use_nltk = True
# List of words not to include in a corpus for text analysis. Added to
# nltk stop words if use_nltk is True.
stop_words_user = ("north", "south")
# Will include nltk stop words if use_nltk is True, otherwise just user
# selected stop words.
stop_words = ""
# Collection ID.
collection = "4867" # Default collection for auk-notebooks.
auk_fp = "./data/"
auk_full_text = ""
auk_gephi = ""
auk_graphml = ""
auk_domains = ""
auk_filtered_text = ""
def __init__(self, collection, folder, **kwargs):
self.collection = collection
if folder is not None:
self.auk_fp = folder
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key.lower(), value)
self.auk_full_text = self.auk_fp + self.collection + "-fulltext.txt"
self.auk_gephi = self.auk_fp + self.collection + "-gephi.gexf"
self.auk_graphml = self.auk_fp + self.collection + "-gephi.graphml"
self.auk_domains = self.auk_fp + self.collection + "-fullurls.txt"
self.auk_filtered_text = (self.auk_fp +
self.collection +
self.stop_words = (
if self.use_nltk
else self.stop_words_user
def clean_domain(self, s):
"""Extracts the name from the domain (e.g. '' becomes
:param: s: The domain name to clean.
:return: The relevant name.
ret = ""
dom = s.split(".")
if len(dom) < 3: # is always x.
ret = dom[0]
elif dom[-2] in self.stop_words: # should be x.
ret = dom[-3]
ret = dom[1]
return ret
def get_domains(self, split_method="full"):
"""Extracts the domains from a file by method.
:param split_method: Either "full" "name" or "sub". "name" provides
just the domain name, "sub" produces the name with subdomains.
"full" provides the entire name.
:return: A list of tuples containing (urlname, count).
ret = []
clean = self.clean_domain
scores = Counter()
with open(self.auk_domains) as fin:
for line in fin:
if split_method == "name":
for url, count in ret:
scores.update({clean(url): int(count)})
ret = scores
elif split_method == "sub":
splits = [(x[0].split("."), int(x[1])) for x in ret]
for url, count in splits:
if len(url) < 3:
scores.update({".".join(["www", url[0]]): count})
scores.update({".".join([url[0], url[1]]): count})
ret = scores
for url, count in ret:
scores.update({url: int(count)})
ret = scores
return ret
def get_text(self, by="all"):
"""Get the text from the files (by domain or year if desired).
:param by: "all", "domain" or "year" the output to return.
:param minline: The minimum size of a line to be included.
:return: [({year or domain}, textString)] if by is 'domain' or 'year',
otherwise [textString].
text = []
form = range(self.results_start, self.results_limit, self.results_step)
with open(self.auk_full_text) as fin:
for num in range(self.results_limit):
if num in form:
line = next(fin)
split_line = str(line).split(",", 3)
line_filter = set([split_line[3].find(x)
for x in self.line_filter])
if len(
) >= self.minimum_word_length and line_filter == {-1}:
# Too short and filtered strings removed.
if by == "domain":
elif by == "year":
text.append((split_line[0][1:5], split_line[3]))
return text
def get_text_tokens(self):
"""Get the data and tokenize the text.
:param minlen: The minimum word size to be included in the
list of words.
:return: A list of words included in the text file.
return [
for x in word_tokenize(" ".join(self.get_text()))
if len(x) > self.minimum_word_length
def get_tokens_domains(self):
"""Get tokens by domain.
:param minlen: The minimum word size to be included in the
list of words.
:return: A list of tuples with (domain, Counter).
return [
for y in word_tokenize(x[1])
if len(y) > self.minimum_word_length
for x in self.get_text("domain")
def get_tokens_years(self):
"""Get tokens by year.
:para minlen: The minimum word size to be included in the
list of words.
:return: A list of tuples with (year, Counter).
return [
for y in word_tokenize(x[1])
if len(y) > self.minimum_word_length
for x in self.get_text("year")
def year(self):
"""Used by get_top_tokens_by to get the tokens by year."""
return self.get_tokens_years()
def domain(self):
"""Used by get_top_tokens_by to get tokens by domain."""
return self.get_tokens_domains()
def get_top_tokens(self):
"""Return the top tokens for the text."""
return [
(key, value)
for key, value in Counter(self.get_text_tokens()).most_common(
def get_top_tokens_by(self, fun):
""" Get the top tokens by a function.
:para fun: A function that returns a list of (key,
:para total: The number of top tokens to return for each key.
:para minlen: The minimum word length.
:return: List of minlen tokens by fun.
sep = dict()
tokens = fun()
sep = {k[0]: Counter() for k in tokens}
for key, value in tokens:
sep[key] += value
ret = [(key,
val.most_common(self.top_count)) for key,
val in sep.items()]
return ret
def international(self, text):
"""Applies UTF-16 if possible.
:param text: The text to decode (assumes UTF-8).
:return: UTF-32 or UTF-16 decoded string or else original string.
unicode = text.encode("utf-8")
ret = unicode.decode("UTF-32-LE")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
ret = unicode.decode("UTF-32-BE")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
ret = unicode.decode("UTF-16-LE")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
ret = unicode.decode("UTF-16-BE")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
ret = unicode.decode("UTF-8")
return ret
def write_output(self, stdout, results):
""" Writes results to file.
:param stdout: Filepath for file.
:param results: A list of results.
:return: None.
with open(filename, "w") as output:
for value in results:
print("Error writing the file.")
def sentiment_scores(self, by="domain"):
""" Calculates sentiment scores for a body of text.
:param by: Either "year" or "domain".
:return: A list of tuples with (year/domain, ("neg", score),
("neu", score) etc.).
sep = dict()
corpus = self.get_text(by)
sep = {k[0]: [] for k in corpus}
for key, value in corpus:
sep[key] += sent_tokenize(value)
sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
result = []
for a, b in sep.items():
scores = Counter({"neg": 0, "pos": 0, "neu": 0, "compound": 0})
for c in b:
result += [
("neg", scores["neg"] / len(b)),
("pos", scores["neg"] / len(b)),
("neu", scores["neu"] / len(b)),
("compound", scores["compound"] / len(b)),
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
You can’t perform that action at this time.