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title: "Tidy, Type-Safe 'prediction()' Methods" | |
output: github_document | |
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<img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" /> | |
The **prediction** and **margins** packages are a combined effort to port the functionality of Stata's (closed source) [`margins`]( command to (open source) R. **prediction** is focused on one function - `prediction()` - that provides type-safe methods for generating predictions from fitted regression models. `prediction()` is an S3 generic, which always return a `"data.frame"` class object rather than the mix of vectors, lists, etc. that are returned by the `predict()` methods for various model types. It provides a key piece of underlying infrastructure for the **margins** package. Users interested in generating marginal (partial) effects, like those generated by Stata's `margins, dydx(*)` command, should consider using `margins()` from the sibling project, [**margins**]( | |
In addition to `prediction()`, this package provides a number of utility functions for generating useful predictions: | |
- `find_data()`, an S3 generic with methods that find the data frame used to estimate a regression model. This is a wrapper around `get_all_vars()` that attempts to locate data as well as modify it according to `subset` and `na.action` arguments used in the original modelling call. | |
- `mean_or_mode()` and `median_or_mode()`, which provide a convenient way to compute the data needed for predicted values *at means* (or *at medians*), respecting the differences between factor and numeric variables. | |
- `seq_range()`, which generates a vector of *n* values based upon the range of values in a variable | |
- `build_datalist()`, which generates a list of data frames from an input data frame and a specified set of replacement `at` values (mimicking the `atlist` option of Stata's `margins` command) | |
## Simple code examples | |
```{r opts, echo = FALSE} | |
library("knitr") | |
options(width = 100) | |
opts_knit$set( = imgur_upload, base.url = NULL) | |
opts_chunk$set(fig.width=7, fig.height=4) | |
``` | |
A major downside of the `predict()` methods for common modelling classes is that the result is not type-safe. Consider the following simple example: | |
```{r predict} | |
library("stats") | |
library("datasets") | |
x <- lm(mpg ~ cyl * hp + wt, data = mtcars) | |
class(predict(x)) | |
class(predict(x, = TRUE)) | |
``` | |
**prediction** solves this issue by providing a wrapper around `predict()`, called `prediction()`, that always returns a tidy data frame with a very simple `print()` method: | |
```{r prediction} | |
library("prediction") | |
(p <- prediction(x)) | |
class(p) | |
head(p) | |
``` | |
The output always contains the original data (i.e., either data found using the `find_data()` function or passed to the `data` argument to `prediction()`). This makes it much simpler to pass predictions to, e.g., further summary or plotting functions. | |
Additionally the vast majority of methods allow the passing of an `at` argument, which can be used to obtain predicted values using modified version of `data` held to specific values: | |
```{r at_arg} | |
prediction(x, at = list(hp = seq_range(mtcars$hp, 5))) | |
``` | |
This more or less serves as a direct R port of (the subset of functionality of) Stata's `margins` command that calculates predictive marginal means, etc. For calculation of marginal or partial effects, see the [**margins**]( package. | |
## Supported model classes | |
The currently supported model classes are: | |
- "lm" from `stats::lm()` | |
- "glm" from `stats::glm()`, `MASS::glm.nb()`, `glmx::glmx()`, `glmx::hetglm()`, `brglm::brglm()` | |
- "ar" from `stats::ar()` | |
- "Arima" from `stats::arima()` | |
- "arima0" from `stats::arima0()` | |
- "biglm" from `biglm::biglm()` (including `"ffdf"` backed models) | |
- "betareg" from `betareg::betareg()` | |
- "bruto" from `mda::bruto()` | |
- "clm" from `ordinal::clm()` | |
- "coxph" from `survival::coxph()` | |
- "crch" from `crch::crch()` | |
- "earth" from `earth::earth()` | |
- "fda" from `mda::fda()` | |
- "Gam" from `gam::gam()` | |
- "gausspr" from `kernlab::gausspr()` | |
- "gee" from `gee::gee()` | |
- "glimML" from `aod::betabin()`, `aod::negbin()` | |
- "glimQL" from `aod::quasibin()`, `aod::quasipois()` | |
- "glmnet" from `glmnet::glmnet()` | |
- "gls" from `nlme::gls()` | |
- "hurdle" from `pscl::hurdle()` | |
- "hxlr" from `crch::hxlr()` | |
- "ivreg" from `AER::ivreg()` | |
- "knnreg" from `caret::knnreg()` | |
- "kqr" from `kernlab::kqr()` | |
- "ksvm" from `kernlab::ksvm()` | |
- "lda" from `MASS:lda()` | |
- "lme" from `nlme::lme()` | |
- "loess" from `stats::loess()` | |
- "lqs" from `MASS::lqs()` | |
- "mars" from `mda::mars()` | |
- "mca" from `MASS::mca()` | |
- "mclogit" from `mclogit::mclogit()` | |
- "mda" from `mda::mda()` | |
- "merMod" from `lme4::lmer()` and `lme4::glmer()` | |
- "mnlogit" from `mnlogit::mnlogit()` | |
- "mnp" from `MNP::mnp()` | |
- "naiveBayes" from `e1071::naiveBayes()` | |
- "nlme" from `nlme::nlme()` | |
- "nls" from `stats::nls()` | |
- "nnet" from `nnet::nnet()`, `nnet::multinom()` | |
- "plm" from `plm::plm()` | |
- "polr" from `MASS::polr()` | |
- "ppr" from `stats::ppr()` | |
- "princomp" from `stats::princomp()` | |
- "qda" from `MASS:qda()` | |
- "rlm" from `MASS::rlm()` | |
- "rpart" from `rpart::rpart()` | |
- "rq" from `quantreg::rq()` | |
- "selection" from `sampleSelection::selection()` | |
- "speedglm" from `speedglm::speedglm()` | |
- "speedlm" from `speedglm::speedlm()` | |
- "survreg" from `survival::survreg()` | |
- "svm" from `e1071::svm()` | |
- "svyglm" from `survey::svyglm()` | |
- "tobit" from `AER::tobit()` | |
- "train" from `caret::train()` | |
- "truncreg" from `truncreg::truncreg()` | |
- "zeroinfl" from `pscl::zeroinfl()` | |
## Requirements and Installation | |
[![CRAN](]( | |
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[![](]( | |
[![Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](]( | |
The development version of this package can be installed directly from GitHub using `remotes`: | |
``` r | |
if (!require("remotes")) { | |
install.packages("remotes") | |
} | |
remotes::install_github("leeper/prediction") | |
``` |