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Module 6 content development

These are the main content development files for this MOOC module.

Please refer to the contributing guidelines before making changes here.

Anyone can join our open Slack channel and team on GitHub for the whole MOOC project.

Core content

These are the draft content files. The content is fully accessible, and can be used for learning purposes, either individually or as a group, and can be shared and re-used as you wish. However, they have not been integrated into a formal MOOC platform yet. At the moment, they are being written in markdown format, and then using the notedown tool to convert into iPython notebook format. PDF and HTML versions are created using pandoc and the markdown to PDF package for Atom.

For notedown:

  1. Make sure you're working in Linux or Debian
  2. Change working directory: eg cd /mnt/c/users/pc/desktop/
  3. Install notedown: pip install notedown
  4. Convert files: notedown > output.ipynb

IMPORTANT Please edit the markdown files, not the iPython/HTML files. These will be periodically converted and synchronised as needed.

In markdown format

  • Main - The main content for this Module.

In iPython notebook format

In PDF format

In HTML format

Production files

  1. Plan
  2. Design
  3. Recording and editing
  4. Internal reviewing

Key resources from production toolkit

MOOC content license: CC0 Public Domain Dedication

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