User:Daniel Mietchen/Sandbox

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See also a gallery of image files that I find interesting in some way.
With about 10% of humanity living at 10m or less above mean sea level[1], the combined effects of socioeconomic development and global warming-induced sea level rise are expected to increase annual flood losses by about a factor of 10 between 2005 and 2050.[2]


See User:Daniel Mietchen/Sandbox/OA-ness
  • Bohr, C.; Hasselbalch, K.; Krogh, A. (1904). "Ueber einen in biologischer Beziehung wichtigen Einfluss, den die Kohlensäurespannung des Blutes auf dessen Sauerstoffbindung übt1". Skandinavisches Archiv Für Physiologie. 16 (2): 402. doi:10.1111/j.1748-1716.1904.tb01382.x.
  • Stefan, M. I.; Le Novère, N. (2013). Wodak, Shoshana (ed.). "Cooperative Binding". PLoS Computational Biology. 9 (6): e1003106. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003106.



  • What's ahead?
Peter Suber at BOAI-10 on the next ten years
  • intensified collaboration of WP:OPEN with other WikiProjects
  • spread of WP:OPEN to languages other than English and to other projects, e.g. to Commons or Wikidata
  • Template:OA-ness and something akin to Category:Pages with login required references or sources
  • Template:Open Access
  • GLAM partnerships with institutions (e.g. Natural History Museums) whose staff publish original research or that run publications themselves - educating them about open licensing by way of GLAM activities may pave the way to more OA/ FOSS/ open data etc. on their end

Illustrations needed

Candidates in doi:10.3897/zookeys.61.299 and doi:10.3897/zookeys.35.312

Articles needed

similar situation with Helicops angulatus and Helicops carinicaudus
economic considerations

Categories needed

On Commons


Ich kann dir nicht folgen.gif


Audio broken in source file, despite being key to the paper
Two videos from this paper are duplicate, two others missing.
Files mixed up in this paper as well?
Files mixed up in this paper as well?
Files mixed up here too.
Files mixed up here too.

perl -pe 's/\s+/\n/g' help.txt | awk '/^10\./' | awk '!/[()]/' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort -r | awk '!x[$0]++' > help1.txt

sort -r help.txt | awk '!x[$0]++' > help1.txt or

sort help.txt | cut -d "/" -f 1-2 | cut -d " " -f 1 | awk '!x[$0]++' > help1.txt or

sed -e 's/[ \t][ \t]*/\ /g' helptst.txt | awk '/^10./' | sort -r > helptst1.txt ; open helptst1.txt


PANGAEA materials

Camera uploads

  • for i in DSCN*.* ; do t=$(stat -f "%Sm" -t "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" "$i"); cp $i ${t}_${i}; done

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Seen on Meta: <DynamicPageList> category = Draft blog posts ordermethod = lastedit count = 16 shownamespace = false mode = unordered </DynamicPageList>



Ceci n'est pas une pipe.  
This is not a pipe. [c 1]
이것은 파이프가 아니다.

Digital museum

Wiki Loves Sound

Sound in taxoboxes


  1. ^ McGranahan, Gordon; Balk, Deborah; Anderson, Bridget (2016). "The rising tide: assessing the risks of climate change and human settlements in low elevation coastal zones". Environment and Urbanization. 19 (1): 17–37. doi:10.1177/0956247807076960. ISSN 0956-2478.
  2. ^ Hallegatte, Stephane; Green, Colin; Nicholls, Robert J.; Corfee-Morlot, Jan (2013). "Future flood losses in major coastal cities". Nature Climate Change. 3 (9): 802–806. doi:10.1038/nclimate1979. ISSN 1758-678X.

Category overview


  1. ^ 엄밀하게 말해서, 이것은 파이프가 아니고 파이프 그림이다. 그러나 말이란 간결하면서 명료해야 하는 바, 이 두 미덕 또는 조건은 다소 모순적이다. 그러므로 "이것은 파이프다"는 "이것은 파이프 그림이다"의 간결한 표현이라고 이해한다. 그러나 작가가 간결한 표현 요건을 무시했다고 단정하기는 어렵다. "이것은 파이프가 아니다"(1929)는 논리적으로 흠잡을 데 없는 "파이프 그림은 파이프 실물이 아니다"의 간결한 표현이기도 하다. 이것은 "지도는 영토가 아니다" (알프레드 코르집스키, 1933) 및 의미삼각형 (옥든 & 리차즈, 1923)과 같은 이론적 맥락이라고 믿어진다. 우리는 실물처럼 마음을 움직일 수 있는 그림과 글 등 상징에 너무 휘둘릴 수도 있다. 교육 훈련 뿐만 아니라 선전 선동 세뇌도 그런 경우다. 우상을 가리키며 "이것은 신이고, 따라서 우리는 이것에 우리 모든 것을 바쳐야 한다"면....

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