Tree: 9b3e025ef9
Update keepValidPages to include a filter on 200 OK. (#360)
- Add status code filter to keepValidPages - Add MimeTypeTika to valid pages DF - Update tests since we filter more and better now
😄 - Resolves #359
[skip travis] Update links (#357)
ruebot committedAug 27, 2019 Verified
This commit was created on and signed with a verified signature using GitHub’s key.GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23 Learn about signing commits
Add discardLanguage filter to RecordLoader. (#353)
- Clean up doc comments - Add test - Resolves #352
- Add tests a few more filters in RecordLoader - Add binary extration DataFrameLoader tests
This commit was signed with a verified signature.ruebot Nick Ruest
GPG key ID: 417FAF1A0E1080CD Learn about signing commits -
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release aut-0.18.0
ruebot committedAug 21, 2019 Verified
This commit was signed with a verified signature.ruebot Nick Ruest
GPG key ID: 417FAF1A0E1080CD Learn about signing commits -
Update LICENSE and license headers. (#351)
- Update LICENSE file to full Apache 2.0 license - Reconfigure license-maven-plugin - Update all license headers in java and scala files to include copyright year, and project name - Move LICENSE_HEADER.txt to config - Update scalastyle config
Add method for determining binary file extension. (#349)
This PR implements the strategy described in the discussion of the above issue to get an extension for a file described by a URL and a MIME type. It creates a GetExtensionMime object in the matchbox. This PR also removes most of the filtering by URL from the image, audio, video, presentation, spreadsheet, and word processor document extraction methods, since these were returning false positives. (CSV and TSV files are a special case, since Tika detects them as "text/plain" based on content.) Finally, I have inserted toLowerCase into the getUrl.endsWith() filter tests, which could possibly bring in some more CSV and TSV files * Adds method for getting a file extension from a MIME type. * Add getExtensions method to DetectMimeTypeTika. * Matchbox object to get extension of URL * Use GetExtensionMime for extraction methods; minor fixes. * Remove tika-parsers classifier * Remove most filtering by file extension from binary extraction methods; add CSV/TSV special cases. * Fix GetExtensionMime case where URL has no extension but a MIME type is detected * Insert `toLowerCase` into `getUrl.endsWith()` calls in io.archivesunleashed.packages; apply to `FilenameUtils.getExtension` in `GetExtensionMime`. * Remove filtering on URL for audio, video, and images. * Remove filtering on URL for images; add DF fields to image extraction * Remove saveImageToDisk and its test * Remove robots.txt check and extraneous imports * Close files so we don't get too many files open again. * Add GetExtensionMimeTest * Resolve #343
Add keep and discard by http status. (#347)
- Add keep and discard by http status RecordLoader - Add tests - Clean up/add doc comments in RecordLoader - Resolve #315
Add office document binary extraction. (#346)
- Add Word Processor DF and binary extraction - Add Spreadsheets DF and binary extraction - Add Presentation Program DF and binary extraction - Add Text files DF and binary extraction - Add tests for new DF and binary extractions - Add test fixtures for new DF and binary extractions - Resolves #303 - Resolves #304 - Resolves #305 - Use aut-resources repo to distribute our shaded tika-parsers 1.22 - Close TikaInputStream - Add RDD filters on MimeTypeTika values - Add CodeCov configuration yaml - Includes work by @jrwiebe, see #346 for all commits before squash
Use version of tika-parsers without a classifier. (#345)
Ivy couldn't handle it, and specifying one for the custom tika-parsers artifact was unnecessary.
Add audio & video binary extraction (#341)
- Add Audio & Video binary extraction. - Add filename, and extenstion column to audio, pdf, and video DF - Pass binary bytes instread of string to DetectMimeTypeTika in DF (s/getContentString/getBinaryBytes) - Updates saveToDisk to use file extension from DF column - Adds tests for Audio, PDF, and Video DF extraction - Add test fixtures for Audio, PDF, and Video DF extraction - Rename SaveBytesTest to SaveImageBytes test - Eliminate bytes->string->bytes conversion that was causing data loss in DetectMimeTypeTika - Update tika-parsers dep from JitPack - Remove tweet cruft - Resolves #306 - Resolves #307 - Includes work by @jrwiebe, see #341 for all commits before squash
Add PDF binary extraction. (#340)
Introduces the new extractPDFDetailsDF() method and brings in changes to make our use of Tika's MIME type detection more efficient, as well as POM updates to use a shaded version of tika-parsers in order to eliminate a dependency version conflict that has long been troublesome. - Updates getImageBytes to getBinaryBytes - Refactor SaveImage class to more general SaveBytes, and saveToDisk to saveImageToDisk - Only instantiate Tika when the DetectMimeTypeTika singleton object is first referenced. See - Use TikaInputStream to enabler container-aware detection. Until now we were only using the default Mime Magic detection. See - Added generic saveToDisk method to save a bytes column of a DataFrame to files - Updates tests - Resolves #302 - Further addresses #308 - Includes work by @ruebot, see #340 for all commits before squash
More scalastyle work; addresses #196. (#339)
- Remove all underscore imports, except shapeless - Address all scalastyle warnings - Update scalastyle config for magic numbers, and null (only used in tests)
Update Tika to 1.22; address security alerts. (#337)
- Update Tika to 1.22 - pom.xml surgery to get aut to build again with --packages
Python formatting, and gitignore additions. (#326)
- Run black and isort on Python files. - Move Spark config to example file. - Update gitignore for 7a61f0e additions.
Makes ArchiveRecordImpl serializable by removing non-serializable ARC…
…Record and WARCRecord variables. Also removes unused headerResponseFormat variable. (#316)
Resolve cobertura-maven-plugin class issue; resolves #313. (#314)
- Exclude slf4j binding logback-classic (mojohaus/cobertura-maven-plugin#6 (comment))
Update spark-core_2.11 to 2.3.1. (#312)
- CVE-2018-8024 - CVE-2018-1334 - CVE-2018-17190 - CVE-2018-11770