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Jupyter Notebook
Branch: master
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Pull request Compare This branch is 1 commit ahead of mwoodbri:master.
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Type Name Latest commit message Commit time
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.github/workflows Initial commit Nov 20, 2019
Alignment viewing and filtering.ipynb Initial commit Nov 20, 2019 replace some of the remaining GitLab mentions with GitHub Nov 30, 2019
requirements.txt Initial commit Nov 20, 2019

Jupyter CI

This repository demonstrates automated verification of a Jupyter notebook. Whenever the .ipynb file is updated, it is executed by GitHub Actions. Any errors are automatically emailed to the author and clearly indicated by the following badge: build status

The provided example is a lightly modified version of the "Alignment viewing and filtering" recipe from The scikit-bio cookbook.

To use your own notebook:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Replace the notebook
  3. Add any additional dependencies to requirements.txt
  4. Check in your changes and push to GitHub

You'll then receive an email indicating whether the notebook could be executed and the badge will update accordingly.

This approach was inspired by an investigation of data science reproducibility for Open Data Day 2017.

This repository is a port of jupyter-ci from GitLab CI to GitHub Actions.

You can’t perform that action at this time.