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aiu==0.1.0a1 | |
alabaster==0.7.12 | |
appdirs==1.4.3 | |
appnope==0.1.0 | |
astroid==2.2.5 | |
Babel==2.6.0 | |
backcall==0.1.0 | |
beautifulsoup4==4.7.1 | |
Brotli==1.0.4 | |
bs4==0.0.1 | |
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defusedxml==0.6.0 | |
dicttoxml==1.7.4 | |
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feedparser==5.2.1 | |
Flask==1.0.2 | |
html5lib==1.0.1 | |
htmlmin==0.1.12 | |
idna==2.8 | |
imageio==2.5.0 | |
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ipython-genutils==0.2.0 | |
isort==4.3.20 | |
itsdangerous==1.1.0 | |
jedi==0.13.3 | |
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JPype1==0.6.3 | |
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numpy==1.16.3 | |
packaging==19.0 | |
parso==0.4.0 | | | |
pexpect==4.7.0 | |
pickleshare==0.7.5 | |
Pillow==5.2.0 | |
prompt-toolkit==2.0.9 | |
ptyprocess==0.6.0 | |
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Pygments==2.4.0 | |
pylint==2.3.1 | |
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rope==0.14.0 | |
scipy==1.3.0 | |
six==1.12.0 | |
snowballstemmer==1.2.1 | |
soupsieve==1.9.1 | |
Sphinx==1.8.4 | |
sphinx-rtd-theme==0.4.3 | |
sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.1.2 | |
summa==1.2.0 | |
text-summarizer==0.0.4 | |
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tldextract==2.2.0 | |
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typed-ast==1.3.5 | |
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warcio==1.6.3 | |
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zipp==0.5.1 |