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<title>Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas - ABNT (autoria abreviada) (Portuguese - Brazil)</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href="" rel="template"/>
<!--Para os itens "artigo de periódico" e "legislação", o campo "extra" do cadastro do Zotero deve ser preenchido com o "local". A ABNT demanda a identificação do "local", mas o Zotero não dispõe de campo específico com o nome "local" para estes items, sendo o campo "extra" um recurso utilizado para suprir esta lacuna-->
<!--Normas de referência ABNT: NBR 6023 / NBR 10520-->
<!--Manual de referência ABNT: BARROCA, Marialice Martins. Diretrizes para Normalização dos Trabalhos Acadêmicos Apresentados na FACE/UFMG. Belo Horizonte: FACE/UFMG, 2011.-->
<link href="" rel="documentation"/>
<name>Carlos Eduardo Guerra Silva</name>
<name>Paula Elizabeth Nogueira Sales</name>
<name>Tiago de Oliveira do Carmo</name>
<name>Marialice Martins Barroca</name>
<category citation-format="author-date"/>
<category field="generic-base"/>
<summary>The Brazilian standard style</summary>
<rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
<locale xml:lang="pt-BR">
<term name="month-01" form="short">jan.</term>
<term name="month-02" form="short">fev.</term>
<term name="month-03" form="short">mar.</term>
<term name="month-04" form="short">abr.</term>
<term name="month-05" form="short">maio</term>
<term name="month-06" form="short">jun.</term>
<term name="month-07" form="short">jul.</term>
<term name="month-08" form="short">ago.</term>
<term name="month-09" form="short">set.</term>
<term name="month-10" form="short">out.</term>
<term name="month-11" form="short">nov.</term>
<term name="month-12" form="short">dez.</term>
<term name="editor" form="short">ed</term>
<term name="editor" form="short">org</term>
<term name="collection-editor" form="short">org</term>
<macro name="container-contributors">
<if type="chapter">
<text value="In: "/>
<names variable="container-author" delimiter=", ">
<name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " initialize-with=". " delimiter="; " delimiter-precedes-last="always">
<name-part name="family" text-case="uppercase"/>
<name-part name="given" text-case="uppercase"/>
<et-al font-style="italic"/>
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".). " text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="collection-editor"/>
<macro name="secondary-contributors">
<if type="chapter" match="none">
<names variable="editor" delimiter=", " prefix=" (" suffix=")">
<name and="symbol" initialize-with=". " delimiter=", "/>
<label form="short" prefix=", " text-case="capitalize-first" suffix="."/>
<macro name="translator">
<text value="Tradução "/>
<names variable="translator" delimiter=", ">
<name delimiter="; " sort-separator=" " delimiter-precedes-last="always">
<name-part name="given" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<name-part name="family" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<et-al font-style="italic"/>
<macro name="author">
<if type="article-newspaper">
<names variable="author">
<name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " delimiter="; " delimiter-precedes-last="always">
<name-part name="family" text-case="uppercase"/>
<name-part name="given"/>
<et-al font-style="italic"/>
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<text macro="title"/>
<else-if type="entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
<names variable="author">
<name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " delimiter="; " delimiter-precedes-last="always" prefix=" In: ">
<name-part name="family" text-case="uppercase"/>
<name-part name="given"/>
<et-al font-style="italic"/>
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<text macro="title"/>
<names variable="author">
<name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " initialize-with=". " delimiter="; " delimiter-precedes-last="always">
<name-part name="family" text-case="uppercase"/>
<name-part name="given" text-case="uppercase"/>
<et-al font-style="italic"/>
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<text macro="title"/>
<macro name="author-short">
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " initialize-with=". " delimiter="; " delimiter-precedes-last="always">
<name-part name="family" text-case="uppercase"/>
<name-part name="given" text-case="uppercase"/>
<et-al font-style="italic"/>
<names variable="editor"/>
<names variable="translator"/>
<if type="book">
<text variable="title" form="short"/>
<text variable="title" form="short" quotes="true"/>
<macro name="access">
<if type="article-magazine article-journal" match="any">
<text variable="URL" prefix=". Disponível em: &lt;" suffix="&gt;"/>
<date variable="accessed" prefix=". Acesso em: ">
<date-part name="day" suffix=" "/>
<date-part name="month" form="short" suffix=" " text-case="lowercase"/>
<date-part name="year"/>
<text variable="URL" prefix="Disponível em: &lt;" suffix="&gt;"/>
<date variable="accessed" prefix=". Acesso em: ">
<date-part name="day" suffix=" "/>
<date-part name="month" form="short" suffix=" " text-case="lowercase"/>
<date-part name="year"/>
<macro name="title">
<if type="chapter bill paper-conference" match="any">
<text variable="title"/>
<else-if type="book thesis" match="any">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
<else-if type="entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
<text variable="title" text-case="uppercase"/>
<else-if type="article-newspaper article-magazine article-journal" match="any">
<text variable="title"/>
<text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
<macro name="container-title">
<if type="paper-conference" match="any">
<text variable="event-place" suffix=". "/>
<text value="Anais" font-style="italic"/>
<text value="... "/>
<else-if type="chapter" match="any">
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
<macro name="publisher">
<if match="any" variable="publisher-place publisher">
<group delimiter=": ">
<if variable="publisher-place">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<text value="[S.l.]"/>
<if variable="publisher">
<text variable="publisher"/>
<text value="[s.n.]"/>
<text value="[S.l: s.n.]"/>
<macro name="event">
<if type="paper-conference" match="any">
<text variable="event" text-case="uppercase" prefix="In: "/>
<text variable="event"/>
<text variable="event-place" prefix=", "/>
<macro name="issued">
<if variable="issued" match="any">
<if type="book chapter" match="none">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="day" suffix=" "/>
<date-part name="month" form="short" suffix=" "/>
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<text value="[S.d.]"/>
<macro name="issued-year">
<if variable="issued" match="any">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="year"/>
<text value="[S.d.]"/>
<macro name="edition">
<if type="book chapter entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
<if is-numeric="edition">
<group delimiter=" ">
<number variable="edition" form="numeric" suffix="."/>
<text term="edition" form="short" suffix="."/>
<text variable="edition" suffix=" ed."/>
<macro name="locators">
<if type="bill">
<group prefix=", " delimiter=", ">
<date variable="issued">
<date-part name="day"/>
<date-part prefix=" " name="month" form="short"/>
<date-part prefix=" " name="year"/>
<text variable="section" prefix="Sec. "/>
<text variable="page" prefix="p. " suffix="."/>
<else-if match="any" type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper">
<group delimiter=", ">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="volume" prefix="v. "/>
<text variable="issue" prefix="n. "/>
<text variable="page" prefix="p. "/>
<else-if match="any" type="book chapter">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text variable="volume" prefix="v. " suffix=". "/>
<text variable="page" prefix="p. "/>
<macro name="citation-locator">
<label variable="locator" form="short"/>
<text variable="locator" prefix=" "/>
<macro name="genre">
<text variable="genre"/>
<macro name="abstract">
<text variable="abstract"/>
<macro name="place">
<if match="any" variable="publisher-place">
<text variable="publisher-place"/>
<macro name="archive">
<text variable="archive" prefix=" "/>
<macro name="number">
<text variable="number" suffix=". "/>
<macro name="sort-key1">
<if type="entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
<text variable="title"/>
<text macro="author"/>
<macro name="sort-key2">
<if type="entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
<text macro="author"/>
<text variable="title"/>
<citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true" disambiguate-add-names="true" disambiguate-add-givenname="true" collapse="year-suffix" givenname-disambiguation-rule="primary-name" year-suffix-delimiter=", ">
<key macro="author"/>
<key macro="issued-year"/>
<layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
<text suffix=", " macro="author-short"/>
<text macro="issued-year"/>
<text prefix=", " macro="citation-locator"/>
<bibliography hanging-indent="false" et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" entry-spacing="1">
<key macro="sort-key1"/>
<key macro="sort-key2"/>
<key macro="issued"/>
<if type="bill">
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="number" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<!-- use field 'history' to publisher -->
<text variable="references" suffix=", " font-weight="bold"/>
<!-- use field 'extra' place -->
<text variable="note"/>
<text macro="locators" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="access" suffix=". "/>
<else-if type="map">
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="issued" suffix=". "/>
<text variable="note" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="access" suffix=". "/>
<else-if type="book">
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="translator" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="edition" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="publisher" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="issued-year" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<text macro="access" suffix=". "/>
<group prefix="(" suffix=").">
<text variable="collection-title"/>
<text variable="collection-number" prefix=", "/>
<else-if type="chapter">
<!-- paper in conference too -->
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="container-contributors" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="secondary-contributors" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="container-title" suffix=". "/>
<text variable="collection-title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="translator" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="edition" suffix=". "/>
<group suffix=". ">
<text macro="publisher" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="issued" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<text macro="access" suffix=". "/>
<else-if type="article-newspaper" match="any">
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="translator" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="container-title" suffix=", "/>
<text variable="collection-title" suffix=". "/>
<!-- use field 'extra' place -->
<text variable="note" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="place" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="edition" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="issued" suffix=". "/>
<text variable="section"/>
<group suffix=".">
<text macro="locators" prefix=", "/>
<text macro="access"/>
<else-if type="article-magazine article-journal" match="any">
<group suffix=".">
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="container-title" suffix=", "/>
<text variable="collection-title" suffix=". "/>
<!-- use field 'extra' place -->
<text variable="note" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="edition" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="locators" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<text macro="translator" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="access"/>
<else-if type="thesis">
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="issued-year" suffix=". "/>
<text variable="number-of-pages" suffix=" f. "/>
<text variable="genre" suffix=" &#8211; "/>
<text variable="publisher" suffix=", "/>
<text variable="publisher-place" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="issued-year" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="access" suffix=". "/>
<else-if type="manuscript">
<!-- There is no ABNT norm for manuscripts -->
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="edition" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="abstract" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="place" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="issued" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="access" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="archive" suffix=". "/>
<else-if type="webpage">
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="genre" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="access" suffix=". "/>
<else-if type="paper-conference">
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="event" suffix=", "/>
<text variable="collection-title" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="issued" suffix=", "/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<text macro="container-title"/>
<group delimiter=". " suffix=". ">
<group delimiter=", ">
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="issued"/>
<text variable="page" prefix="p. "/>
<text macro="access"/>
<else-if type="report">
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="container-contributors"/>
<text macro="secondary-contributors"/>
<text macro="container-title"/>
<text variable="collection-title" prefix=", " suffix="."/>
<text variable="genre"/>
<text variable="number" prefix=", nº " suffix="."/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<group delimiter=". " prefix=". ">
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="issued" prefix=", " suffix="."/>
<text macro="access" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
<else-if type="entry-dictionary entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="container-contributors"/>
<text macro="secondary-contributors"/>
<text macro="container-title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="edition" suffix=" "/>
<text variable="collection-title" prefix=", " suffix="."/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<group delimiter=". ">
<text macro="publisher"/>
<group delimiter=". " prefix=", " suffix=".">
<text macro="issued"/>
<text variable="volume" prefix="v. "/>
<text variable="page" prefix="p. "/>
<text macro="access"/>
<text macro="author" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="title" suffix=". "/>
<text macro="container-contributors"/>
<text macro="secondary-contributors"/>
<text macro="container-title"/>
<text variable="collection-title" prefix=", " suffix="."/>
<text macro="locators"/>
<group delimiter=". " prefix=". " suffix=". ">
<text macro="publisher"/>
<text macro="access"/>
<text macro="issued" prefix=", "/>
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