Browse files

Fixes #119, the README provides basic development documentation

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shawnmjones committed Aug 20, 2018
1 parent fff7bc4 commit 8314ce56e4ddf0df74963e92dac606228b550206
Showing with 31 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +31 −0
@@ -66,6 +66,37 @@ $ export FLASK_APP=mementoembed
$ flask run
## Directory Layout
The following directory structure exists for organizing MementoEmbed:
* /bin/ - scripts using MementoEmbed libraries (was used for early development, to be removed at some future point)
* /config/ - default Flask configuration for MementoEmbed
* /docs/ - source for documentation of MementoEmbed, products can be viewed at the project [Documentation Page](
* /githooks/ - hooks for use with Git in development (was an experiment, not currently used)
* /instance/ - default Flask configuration for MementoEmbed
* /mementoembed/ - main MementoEmbed application
* /mementoembed/services/ - code containing source code for the machine-accessible MementoEmbed endpoints
* /mementoembed/static/ - JavaScript and CSS used for the MementoEmbed application
* /mementoembed/templates/ - Jinja2 templates for the MementoEmbed application
* /mementoembed/ui/ - code for the user interface MementoEmbed endpoints
* /tests/ - automated unit tests for core MementoEmbed functionality
* .dockerignore - used to indicate which files Docker should ignore when building an image
* .gitignore - used to indicate which files Git should not commit during development
* .travis.yml - configuration for executing unit tests and testing build of MementoEmbed
* - instructions for contributing to this project
* Dockerfile - used to build the docker image
* LICENSE - the license for this project
* - used to ensure additional files are installed on the system when pip is run
* Pipfile - package information used by pipenv
* Pipfile.lock - package version information used by pipenv
* - this file
* - the script run by Docker to start MementoEmbed once a container is started
* package-lock.json - pakcage version information used by npm
* - a script run to raise the version of MementoEmbed in both documentation and source code
* - script planned for use when releasing MementoEmbed (not currently used, may be removed at some point)
* sample_appconfig.cfg - MementoEmbed configuration used by the Docker container
* - standard Python installation configuration file
## Run unit tests
The unit tests are designed to be easily run from the file.

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