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Merge pull request #3 from CDK-R/master

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schymane committed Nov 11, 2018
2 parents 6b01c3b + a9332c6 commit 5d074e5031a2b04c99d58364b0a59ed20143f738
Showing with 244 additions and 137 deletions.
  1. +1 −1
  2. +53 −0 rcdk/R/fingerprint.R
  3. +32 −0 rcdk/R/frags.R
  4. +0 −49 rcdk/man/frags.Rd
  5. +36 −0 rcdk/man/get.exhaustive.fragments.Rd
  6. +72 −0 rcdk/man/get.fingerprint.Rd
  7. +50 −0 rcdk/man/get.murcko.fragments.Rd
  8. +0 −87 rcdk/man/getfp.Rd
@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ sudo R CMD javareconf
install.packages('rJava', type="source")
Further informaiton about R's use of Java can be [found here](
Further informaiton about R's use of Java can be [found here](
@@ -1,3 +1,56 @@
#' Generate molecular fingerprints
#' `get.fingerprint` returns a `fingerprint` object representing molecular fingerprint of
#' the input molecule.
#' @param molecule A \code{jobjRef} object to an \code{IAtomContaine}
#' @param type The type of fingerprint. Possible values are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item standard - Considers paths of a given length. The default is
#' but can be changed. These are hashed fingerprints, with a
#' default length of 1024
#' \item extended - Similar to the standard type, but takes rings and
#' atomic properties into account into account
#' \item graph - Similar to the standard type by simply considers connectivity
#' \item hybridization - Similar to the standard type, but only consider hybridization state
#' \item maccs - The popular 166 bit MACCS keys described by MDL
#' \item estate - 79 bit fingerprints corresponding to the E-State atom types described by Hall and Kier
#' \item pubchem - 881 bit fingerprints defined by PubChem
#' \item kr - 4860 bit fingerprint defined by Klekota and Roth
#' \item shortestpath - A fingerprint based on the shortest paths between pairs of atoms and takes into account ring systems, charges etc.
#' \item signature - A feature,count type of fingerprint, similar in nature to circular fingerprints, but based on the signature
#' descriptor
#' \item circular - An implementation of the ECFP6 fingerprint
#' }
#' @param fp.mode The style of fingerprint. Specifying "`bit`" will return a binary fingerprint,
#' "`raw`" returns the the original representation (usually sequence of integers) and
#' "`count`" returns the fingerprint as a sequence of counts.
#' @param depth The search depth. This argument is ignored for the
#' `pubchem`, `maccs`, `kr` and `estate` fingerprints
#' @param size The final length of the fingerprint.
#' This argument is ignored for the `pubchem`, `maccs`, `kr`, `signature`, `circular` and
#' `estate` fingerprints
#' @param verbose Verbose output if \code{TRUE}
#' @return an S4 object of class \code{\link{fingerprint-class}} or \code{\link{featvec-class}},
#' which can be manipulated with the fingerprint package.
#' @export
#' @author Rajarshi Guha (\email{})
#' @examples
#' ## get some molecules
#' sp <- get.smiles.parser()
#' smiles <- c('CCC', 'CCN', 'CCN(C)(C)', 'c1ccccc1Cc1ccccc1','C1CCC1CC(CN(C)(C))CC(=O)CC')
#' mols <- parse.smiles(smiles)
#' ## get a single fingerprint using the standard
#' ## (hashed, path based) fingerprinter
#' fp <- get.fingerprint(mols[[1]])
#' ## get MACCS keys for all the molecules
#' fps <- lapply(mols, get.fingerprint, type='maccs')
#' ## get Signature fingerprint
#' ## feature, count fingerprinter
#' fps <- lapply(mols, get.fingerprint, type='signature', fp.mode='raw')
get.fingerprint <- function(molecule, type = 'standard', fp.mode = 'bit', depth=6, size=1024, verbose=FALSE) {
if (is.null(attr(molecule, 'jclass'))) stop("Must supply an IAtomContainer or something coercable to it")
if (attr(molecule, "jclass") != "org/openscience/cdk/interfaces/IAtomContainer") {
@@ -1,3 +1,32 @@
#' Generate Bemis-Murcko Fragments
#' Fragment the input molecule using the Bemis-Murcko scheme
#' A variety of methods for fragmenting molecules are available ranging from
#' exhaustive, rings to more specific methods such as Murcko frameworks. Fragmenting a
#' collection of molecules can be a useful for a variety of analyses. In addition
#' fragment based analysis can be a useful and faster alternative to traditional
#' clustering of the whole collection, especially when it is large.
#' Note that exhaustive fragmentation of large molecules (with many single bonds) can become
#' time consuming.
#' @param mols A list of `jobjRef` objects of Java class `IAtomContainer`
#' @param min.frag.size The smallest fragment to consider (in terms of heavy atoms)
#' @param as.smiles If `TRUE` return the fragments as SMILES strings. If not, then fragments
#' are returned as `jobjRef` objects
#' @param single.framework If `TRUE`, then a single framework (i.e., the framework consisting of the
#' union of all ring systems and linkers) is returned for each molecule. Otherwise, all combinations
#' of ring systems and linkers are returned
#' @return Returns a list with each element being a list with two elements: `rings` and
#' `frameworks`. Each of these elements is either a character vector of SMILES strings or a list of
#' `IAtomContainer` objects.
#' @author Rajarshi Guha (\email{})
#' @seealso [get.exhuastive.fragments()]
#' @examples
#' mol <- parse.smiles('c1ccc(cc1)CN(c2cc(ccc2[N+](=O)[O-])c3c(nc(nc3CC)N)N)C')[[1]]
#' mf1 <- get.murcko.fragments(mol, as.smiles=TRUE, single.framework=TRUE)
#' mf1 <- get.murcko.fragments(mol, as.smiles=TRUE, single.framework=FALSE)
get.murcko.fragments <- function(mols, min.frag.size = 6, as.smiles = TRUE, single.framework = FALSE) {
if (!is.list(mols)) mols <- list(mols)
klasses <- unlist(lapply(mols, function(x) attr(x, "jclass")))
@@ -22,6 +51,9 @@ get.murcko.fragments <- function(mols, min.frag.size = 6, as.smiles = TRUE, sing
#' @inherit get.murcko.fragments
#' @return returns a list of length equal to the number of input molecules. Each
#' element is a character vector of SMILES strings or a list of `jobjRef` objects.
get.exhaustive.fragments <- function(mols, min.frag.size = 6, as.smiles = TRUE) {
if (!is.list(mols)) mols <- list(mols)
klasses <- unlist(lapply(mols, function(x) attr(x, "jclass")))

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