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Add the `exibble` tibble as a dataset (#77)

* Add .R script that creates `exibble` tibble

* Add `06-exibble.R` to processing steps

* Add `exibble` object as data

* Add roxygen documentation for `exibble` dataset

* Reflow lines in roxygen documentation

* Create help file using roxygen

* Update help files using roxygen
  • Loading branch information...
rich-iannone committed Nov 15, 2018
1 parent 2411678 commit 9c0151325103a8a9dd6ca995f570ab4e0816b5cb
Showing with 137 additions and 53 deletions.
  1. +55 −26 R/datasets.R
  2. +18 −0 data-raw/06-exibble.R
  3. +2 −1 data-raw/zz_process_datasets.R
  4. BIN data/exibble.rda
  5. +38 −0 man/exibble.Rd
  6. +10 −11 man/pizzaplace.Rd
  7. +3 −4 man/sp500.Rd
  8. +11 −11 man/sza.Rd
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
#' hemisphere latitudes. For determination of afternoon values, the presented
#' tabulated values are symmetric about noon.
#' The solar zenith angle (SZA) is one measure that helps to describe the
#' sun's path across the sky. It's defined as the angle of the sun relative
#' to a line perpendicular to the earth's surface. It is useful to calculate
#' the SZA in relation to the true solar time. True solar time relates to
#' the position of the sun with respect to the observer, which is different
#' depending on the exact longitude. For example, two hours before the sun
#' crosses the meridian (the highest point it would reach that day)
#' corresponds to a true solar time of 10 a.m. The SZA has a strong
#' dependence on the observer's latitude. For example, at a latitude of 50
#' deg N at the start of January, the noontime SZA is 73.0 but a different
#' observer at 20 deg N would measure the noontime SZA to be 43.0 degrees.
#' The solar zenith angle (SZA) is one measure that helps to describe the sun's
#' path across the sky. It's defined as the angle of the sun relative to a line
#' perpendicular to the earth's surface. It is useful to calculate the SZA in
#' relation to the true solar time. True solar time relates to the position of
#' the sun with respect to the observer, which is different depending on the
#' exact longitude. For example, two hours before the sun crosses the meridian
#' (the highest point it would reach that day) corresponds to a true solar time
#' of 10 a.m. The SZA has a strong dependence on the observer's latitude. For
#' example, at a latitude of 50 deg N at the start of January, the noontime SZA
#' is 73.0 but a different observer at 20 deg N would measure the noontime SZA
#' to be 43.0 degrees.
#' @format A tibble with 816 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
@@ -91,10 +91,9 @@
#' Daily S&P 500 Index data from 1950 to 2015
#' This dataset provides daily price indicators for the S&P 500 index
#' from the beginning of 1950 to the end of 2015. The index includes 500
#' leading companies and captures about 80% coverage of available market
#' capitalization.
#' This dataset provides daily price indicators for the S&P 500 index from the
#' beginning of 1950 to the end of 2015. The index includes 500 leading
#' companies and captures about 80% coverage of available market capitalization.
#' @format A tibble with 16607 rows and 7 variables:
#' \describe{
@@ -110,17 +109,16 @@
#' A year of pizza sales from a pizza place
#' A synthetic dataset that describes pizza sales for a pizza place
#' somewhere in the US. While the contents are artificial, the
#' ingredients used to make the pizzas are far from it. There are 32
#' different pizzas that fall into 4 different categories: \code{classic}
#' (classic pizzas: 'You probably had one like it before, but never like
#' this!'), \code{chicken} (pizzas with chicken as a major ingredient: 'Try
#' the Southwest Chicken Pizza! You'll love it!'), \code{supreme} (pizzas
#' that try a little harder: 'My Soppressata pizza uses only the finest
#' salami from my personal salumist!'), and, \code{veggie} (pizzas without
#' any meats whatsoever: 'My Five Cheese pizza has so many cheeses, I can
#' only offer it in Large Size!').
#' A synthetic dataset that describes pizza sales for a pizza place somewhere in
#' the US. While the contents are artificial, the ingredients used to make the
#' pizzas are far from it. There are 32 different pizzas that fall into 4
#' different categories: \code{classic} (classic pizzas: 'You probably had one
#' like it before, but never like this!'), \code{chicken} (pizzas with chicken
#' as a major ingredient: 'Try the Southwest Chicken Pizza! You'll love it!'),
#' \code{supreme} (pizzas that try a little harder: 'My Soppressata pizza uses
#' only the finest salami from my personal salumist!'), and, \code{veggie}
#' (pizzas without any meats whatsoever: 'My Five Cheese pizza has so many
#' cheeses, I can only offer it in Large Size!').
#' @format A tibble with 49574 rows and 7 variables:
#' \describe{
@@ -142,3 +140,34 @@
#' (in USD)}
#' }
#' A toy example tibble for testing with gt: exibble
#' This tibble contains data of a few different classes, which makes it
#' well-suited for quick experimentation with the functions in this package. It
#' contains only eight rows with numeric, character, and factor columns. The
#' last 4 rows contain \code{NA} values in the majority of the tibbles's columns
#' (1 missing value per column). The \code{date}, \code{time}, and
#' \code{datetime} columns are character-based dates/times in the familiar ISO
#' 8601 format. The \code{row} and \code{group} columns provide for unique
#' rownames and two groups (\code{grp_a} and \code{grp_b}) for experimenting
#' with the \code{\link{gt}()} function's \code{rowname_col} and
#' \code{groupname_col} arguments.
#' @format A tibble with 8 rows and 9 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{num}{a numeric column ordered with increasingly larger values}
#' \item{char}{a character column composed of names of fruits from \code{a} to
#' \code{h}}
#' \item{fctr}{a factor column with numbers from 1 to 8, written out}
#' \item{date, time, datetime}{character columns with dates, times, and
#' datetimes}
#' \item{currency}{a numeric column that is useful for testing currency-based
#' formatting}
#' \item{row}{a character column in the format \code{row_X} which can be
#' useful for testing with row captions in a table stub}
#' \item{group}{a character column with four \code{grp_a} values and four
#' \code{grp_b} values which can be useful for testing tables that contain
#' row groups}
#' }
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
exibble <-
~num, ~char, ~fctr, ~date, ~time, ~datetime, ~currency, ~row, ~group,
0.1111, "apricot", "one", "2015-01-15", "13:35", "2018-01-01 02:22", 49.95, "row_1", "grp_a",
2.222, "banana", "two", "2015-02-15", "14:40", "2018-02-02 14:33", 17.95, "row_2", "grp_a",
33.33, "coconut", "three", "2015-03-15", "15:45", "2018-03-03 03:44", 1.39, "row_3", "grp_a",
444.4, "durian", "four", "2015-04-15", "16:50", "2018-04-04 15:55", 65100, "row_4", "grp_a",
5550, NA, "five", "2015-05-15", "17:55", "2018-05-05 04:00", 1325.81, "row_5", "grp_b",
NA, "fig", "six", "2015-06-15", NA, "2018-06-06 16:11", 13.255, "row_6", "grp_b",
777000, "grapefruit", "seven", NA, "19:10", "2018-07-07 05:22", NA, "row_7", "grp_b",
8880000, "honeydew", "eight", "2015-08-15", "20:20", NA, 0.44, "row_8", "grp_b",
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(fctr = factor(fctr, levels = c(
"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight"
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ source("data-raw/02-sza.R")
# Create external datasets
countrypops, sza, gtcars, sp500, pizzaplace,
countrypops, sza, gtcars, sp500, pizzaplace, exibble,
internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE
BIN +659 Bytes data/exibble.rda
Binary file not shown.

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