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better author name matching for avatar photos (programminghistorian#1120


* Add files via upload

* Update ph_authors.yml

* Add files via upload

* Delete francois-dominic-laramee.png

* Update ph_authors.yml

* add spanish translation

* fix typo

* Update logic to include the ç character

* replace messy name-to-latin filter with lugify builtin

* try downcasing avatars

* downcase all avatar file names

* downcase image links to avatars
  • Loading branch information...
mdlincoln authored and walshbr committed Dec 5, 2018
1 parent f56ebf1 commit 0040a208c9da86e649a64ed52bc63ba23e7652f2
Showing with 30 additions and 30 deletions.
  1. +2 −2 _data/ph_authors.yml
  2. +1 −1 _includes/contact-info.html
  3. +3 −3 _posts/
  4. +4 −4 _posts/
  5. +7 −7 _posts/
  6. +4 −4 _posts/
  7. +6 −6 _posts/
  8. +3 −3 _posts/
  9. BIN avatars/{Adam-Crymble.png → adam-crymble.png}
  10. BIN avatars/{Alan-MacEachern.png → alan-maceachern.png}
  11. BIN avatars/{Allison-Hegel.png → allison-hegel.png}
  12. BIN avatars/{Amanda-Visconti.png → amanda-visconti.png}
  13. BIN avatars/{Anandi-Silva-Knuppel.png → anandi-silva-knuppel.png}
  14. BIN avatars/{Andrew-Hnatow.png → andrew-hnatow.png}
  15. BIN avatars/{Anna-Maria-Sichani.png → anna-maria-sichani.png}
  16. BIN avatars/{Antonio-Rojas-Castro.png → antonio-rojas-castro.png}
  17. BIN avatars/{Brandon-Walsh.png → brandon-walsh.png}
  18. BIN avatars/{Caleb-McDaniel.png → caleb-mcdaniel.png}
  19. BIN avatars/{Carrie-Sanders.png → carrie-sanders.png}
  20. BIN avatars/{Daniel-van-Strien.png → daniel-van-strien.png}
  21. BIN avatars/{Douglas-Duhaime.png → douglas-duhaime.png}
  22. BIN avatars/{Evan-Taparata.png → evan-taparata.png}
  23. BIN avatars/francois-dominic-laramee.png
  24. BIN avatars/{Fred-Gibbs.png → fred-gibbs.png}
  25. BIN avatars/{Ian-Milligan.png → ian-milligan.png}
  26. BIN avatars/{James-Baker.png → james-baker.png}
  27. BIN avatars/{Jennifer-Isasi.png → jennifer-isasi.png}
  28. BIN avatars/{Jeremy-Boggs.png → jeremy-boggs.png}
  29. BIN avatars/{Jeri-Wieringa.png → jeri-wieringa.png}
  30. BIN avatars/{Jessica-Parr.png → jessica-parr.png}
  31. BIN avatars/{Jose-Antonio-Motilla.png → jose-antonio-motilla.png}
  32. BIN avatars/{Kim-Pham.png → kim-pham.png}
  33. BIN avatars/{Maria-Jose-Afanador-Llach.png → maria-jose-afanador-llach.png}
  34. BIN avatars/{Maria-Velez-Serna.png → maria-velez-serna.png}
  35. BIN avatars/{Marie-Puren.png → marie-puren.png}
  36. BIN avatars/{Matthew-Lincoln.png → matthew-lincoln.png}
  37. BIN avatars/{Miriam-Posner.png → miriam-posner.png}
  38. BIN avatars/{Sofia-Papastamkou.png → sofia-papastamkou.png}
  39. BIN avatars/{Stephen-Margheim.png → stephen-margheim.png}
  40. BIN avatars/{Taryn-Dewar.png → taryn-dewar.png}
  41. BIN avatars/{Victor-Gayol.png → victor-gayol.png}
  42. BIN avatars/{William-J.-Turkel.png → william-j-turkel.png}
  43. BIN avatars/{Zoe-LeBlanc.png → zoe-leblanc.png}
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@
Universidad de Montréal, Canadá
- french
- board
- board
en: |
François Dominic Laramée is a doctoral candidate in history at the Université de Montréal, in Canada.
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@
en: |
Marie Puren is an historian and research engineer in the ALMAnaCH team at Inria Paris.
es: |
Marie Puren es historiadora e investigadora de humanidades digitales en el equipo ALMAnaCH en Inria París.
Marie Puren es historiadora e investigadora de humanidades digitales en el equipo ALMAnaCH en Inria París.
fr: |
Marie Puren est historienne et ingénieure de recherche en humanités numériques dans l'équipe ALMAnaCH à Inria Paris.
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
{% comment %}
Generate avatar image path based on name
{% endcomment %}
{% assign avatar = | replace: " ","-" | replace: "é","e" | replace: "í","i" | replace: "ç","c" %}
{% assign avatar = | slugify: "latin" %}
<div class="col-3">
<img class="rounded-circle" src="{{site.baseurl}}/avatars/{{avatar}}.png">
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
title: Matthew Lincoln joins Project Team
- Adam Crymble
layout: post
categories: posts
categories: posts

<p><figure><img src="/avatars/Matthew-Lincoln.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
<p><figure><img src="/avatars/matthew-lincoln.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
Matthew Lincoln has joined the Programming Historian</figcaption></figure></p>

@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
title: Two New Editors Join Project Team
- Adam Crymble
layout: post
categories: posts
categories: posts

<p><figure><img src="/avatars/Jessica-Parr.png" alt="" style="width:200px;"/><img src="/avatars/Brandon-Walsh.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
<p><figure><img src="/avatars/jessica-parr.png" alt="" style="width:200px;"/><img src="/avatars/brandon-walsh.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
Jessica Parr and Brandon Walsh have joined the Programming Historian</figcaption></figure></p>

The Programming Historian is delighted to welcome Jessica Parr and Brandon Walsh to our editorial team.

They will be working with prospective authors interested in contributing new lessons to the collection.

Jessica Parr teaches at Simmmons College (Boston) and works on PLACE Project at UNH Durham. She is a scholar of the early modern Atlantic. She is interested in working with authors on geospatial lessons as well as textual-geospatial lessons.
Jessica Parr teaches at Simmmons College (Boston) and works on PLACE Project at UNH Durham. She is a scholar of the early modern Atlantic. She is interested in working with authors on geospatial lessons as well as textual-geospatial lessons.

Brandon Walsh is Head of Graduate Programs in the Scholars' Lab in the University of Virginia Library. He's particularly interested in expanding our offering in audio analysis lessons.

@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
title: Jennifer Isasi y José Antonio Motilla se unen al equipo de The Programming Historian en español
title: Jennifer Isasi y José Antonio Motilla se unen al equipo de The Programming Historian en español
- Maria José Afanador-Llach
layout: post
categories: posts

<p><figure><img src="/avatars/Jennifer-Isasi.png" alt="" style="width:200px;"/><img src="/avatars/Jose-Antonio-Motilla.png" alt="" style="width:200px;"/><figcaption>
<p><figure><img src="/avatars/jennifer-isasi.png" alt="" style="width:200px;"/><img src="/avatars/jose-antonio-motilla.png" alt="" style="width:200px;"/><figcaption>
Jennifer Isasi y José Antonio Motillo se han unido a The Programming Historian</figcaption></figure></p>

¡The Programming Historian tiene el placer de presentar sus dos nuevos miembros del equipo de editores de contenidos en español!

Continuando con nuestro compromiso con la diversidad lingüística para hacer los tutoriales de PH accesibles al mundo hispanoparlante y seguir construyendo una comunidad de colaboradores, en noviembre de 2017 el comité editorial de PH anunció una convocatoria para editor de contenidos en español. Recibimos aplicaciones excelentes y decidimos invitar a los dos finalistas para la posición.
Continuando con nuestro compromiso con la diversidad lingüística para hacer los tutoriales de PH accesibles al mundo hispanoparlante y seguir construyendo una comunidad de colaboradores, en noviembre de 2017 el comité editorial de PH anunció una convocatoria para editor de contenidos en español. Recibimos aplicaciones excelentes y decidimos invitar a los dos finalistas para la posición.

Nos emociona anunciar que Jennifer Isasi y José Antonio Motilla han aceptado la invitación. Sin más preámbulos, les presentamos a los nuevos miembros del comité editorial de PH:

[Jennifer Isasi]( obtuvo recientemente su doctorado en Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad de Nebraske-Lincoln. Sus intereses de investigación son la literatura, cultura e historia española de los siglos XVI al XXI, las humanidades digitales, los estudios culturales y el impacto de los nuevos medios y tecnologías de la información sobre las culturas hispánicas. Tiene dos certificados en Humanidades Digitales y experiencia en el desarrollo de metodologías de extracción, análisis y visualización de datos. Le interesa afrontar el reto de la falta de herramientas adaptadas al español para enseñanza e investigación.
[Jennifer Isasi]( obtuvo recientemente su doctorado en Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad de Nebraske-Lincoln. Sus intereses de investigación son la literatura, cultura e historia española de los siglos XVI al XXI, las humanidades digitales, los estudios culturales y el impacto de los nuevos medios y tecnologías de la información sobre las culturas hispánicas. Tiene dos certificados en Humanidades Digitales y experiencia en el desarrollo de metodologías de extracción, análisis y visualización de datos. Le interesa afrontar el reto de la falta de herramientas adaptadas al español para enseñanza e investigación.

[José Antonio Motilla]( es doctor en Historia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Actualmente es profesor investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí donde además coordina el "Laboratoria de humanidades y artes digitales" que se encuentra en proceso de conformación. Su intereses de investigación con el análisis de redes sociales, el diseño y gestión de bases de datos, y la digitalización y sistematización de información histórica. Ya ha participado en la revisión y traducción de tutoriales de PH y le interesa seguir fomentando el involucramiento de estudiantes e investigadores en el mundo de las humanidades digitales.
[José Antonio Motilla]( es doctor en Historia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Actualmente es profesor investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí donde además coordina el "Laboratoria de humanidades y artes digitales" que se encuentra en proceso de conformación. Su intereses de investigación con el análisis de redes sociales, el diseño y gestión de bases de datos, y la digitalización y sistematización de información histórica. Ya ha participado en la revisión y traducción de tutoriales de PH y le interesa seguir fomentando el involucramiento de estudiantes e investigadores en el mundo de las humanidades digitales.

Por favor acompáñenos para darles la bienvenida a Jennifer y José Antonio. Estamos muy contentos de trabajar con ustedes. Manténganse en sintonía con The Programming Historian en español para ver sus contribuciones.

@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
title: Anna-Maria Sichani joins Project Team
- Antonio Rojas Castro
layout: post
categories: posts

<p><figure><img src="/avatars/Anna-Maria-Sichani.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
<p><figure><img src="/avatars/anna-maria-sichani.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
Anna-Maria Sichani has joined the Programming Historian</figcaption></figure></p>

We are pleased to announce that Anna-Maria Sichani has joined the *Programming Historian* project team. She is a literary and cultural historian, with a specialisation in Modern Greek studies, and a Digital Humanist. Anna-Maria is currently a Research Fellow in Media History and Historical Data Modelling, working on the AHRC-funded project "BBC Connected Histories", affiliated with the Department of Media, Film and Music at University of Sussex and Sussex Humanities Lab.
We are pleased to announce that Anna-Maria Sichani has joined the *Programming Historian* project team. She is a literary and cultural historian, with a specialisation in Modern Greek studies, and a Digital Humanist. Anna-Maria is currently a Research Fellow in Media History and Historical Data Modelling, working on the AHRC-funded project "BBC Connected Histories", affiliated with the Department of Media, Film and Music at University of Sussex and Sussex Humanities Lab.

She has been a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow (DiXiT ITN) at Huygens-ING and a PhD Research Fellow at King's Digital Lab and she has collaborated with a number of Digital Humanities projects (COST Distant Reading for European Literary History, Transcribe Bentham, DARIAH etc). Her skills include modelling, encoding and digital publication of textual and cross-domain materials, sustainable project design and management, data architecture and ​analysis. She is currently also serving as Communications Fellow for the [Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)](
She has been a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow (DiXiT ITN) at Huygens-ING and a PhD Research Fellow at King's Digital Lab and she has collaborated with a number of Digital Humanities projects (COST Distant Reading for European Literary History, Transcribe Bentham, DARIAH etc). Her skills include modelling, encoding and digital publication of textual and cross-domain materials, sustainable project design and management, data architecture and ​analysis. She is currently also serving as Communications Fellow for the [Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)](

She will work as an editor and contribute to our internationalization and outreach strategy.

@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
title: Programming Historian French-speaking initiative
title: Programming Historian French-speaking initiative
- Anna-Maria Sichani
layout: post
categories: posts

<figure><img src="/avatars/Marie-Puren.png" alt=""/>
<img src="/avatars/Sofia-Papastamkou.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
<figure><img src="/avatars/marie-puren.png" alt=""/>
<img src="/avatars/sofia-papastamkou.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
Marie Puren and Sofia Papastamkou have joined the Programming Historian</figcaption></figure>

We are pleased to announce that Marie Puren and Sofia Papastamkou have joined the Programming Historian project team. By welcoming Marie and Sofia as members of the editorial board we are also introducing the French-speaking initiative of the Programming Historian.
We are pleased to announce that Marie Puren and Sofia Papastamkou have joined the Programming Historian project team. By welcoming Marie and Sofia as members of the editorial board we are also introducing the French-speaking initiative of the Programming Historian.

Marie Puren Ph.D., is a junior researcher in Digital Humanities at the French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics (Inria) in Paris, member of the ALMAnaCH team (INRIA – Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes). As collaborator to the [PARTHENOS]( H2020 project, she focuses her research on the development of standards for data management and research tools in Arts and Humanities. Marie also contributes to the [IPERION]( H2020 project.
After being a lecturer and a responsible for continuing education projects at the Ecole nationale des chartes, Marie Puren has been a visiting lecturer in Digital Humanities at the Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) Research University and she is currently a visiting lecturer in Digital Humanities at the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. Her main publications belong to fields including intellectual history of the XXth century, French studies and digital humanities. Marie Puren has been awarded a Ph.D. in History at the Ecole nationale des chartes - Sorbonne University. She holds Master’s degrees in History and Political Science from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, and in Digital Humanities from the Ecole nationale des chartes.

Sofia Papastamkou holds a PhD on history of international relations (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and a Master's Degree on digital technologies applied to historical research (Ecole nationale des chartes). She is Research engineer in the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and currently in charge of the Digital Humanities programme of the Maison européenne des sciences de l'homme et de la société Lille Nord-de-France. She has a professional background in library and archives collections in France (Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine) and in the USA (The Historic New Orleans Collection). She has been teaching Digital Humanities for historians at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
Her main skills in Digital Humanities include data structuring and analysis as applied to historical research. She is member of the working group on digital methods training of [Humanistica](, the French-speaking association of Digital Humanities and an editor for the Humanités numériques journal.
Sofia Papastamkou holds a PhD on history of international relations (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and a Master's Degree on digital technologies applied to historical research (Ecole nationale des chartes). She is Research engineer in the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and currently in charge of the Digital Humanities programme of the Maison européenne des sciences de l'homme et de la société Lille Nord-de-France. She has a professional background in library and archives collections in France (Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine) and in the USA (The Historic New Orleans Collection). She has been teaching Digital Humanities for historians at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
Her main skills in Digital Humanities include data structuring and analysis as applied to historical research. She is member of the working group on digital methods training of [Humanistica](, the French-speaking association of Digital Humanities and an editor for the Humanités numériques journal.

<figure><img src="/images/logos/ph-fr-url.svg" alt="" width="300px"/></figure>

@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ layout: post
categories: posts

<p><figure><img src="/avatars/Zoe-LeBlanc.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
<p><figure><img src="/avatars/zoe-leblanc.png" alt=""/><figcaption>
Zoe LeBlanc has joined the Programming Historian</figcaption></figure></p>

We are pleased to share that Zoe LeBlanc has joined the editorial board of _The Programming Historian_.

Zoe is a digital humanities developer at the [Scholars’ Lab]( at the University of Virginia. In this position she regularly works on building large data pipelines for humanities text data, web apps for mapping and data visualization, and statistical modeling for text and image analysis projects in addition to teaching and mentoring students and faculty.

She is also entering her final year as a doctoral candidate in history at Vanderbilt University. Her dissertation, “Circulating Anti-Colonial Cairo”, is about Cairo’s role as a hub for international anti-colonial movements and anti-colonial media production. She explores how the establishment of the Middle East News Agency in Cairo in 1955 was a vehicle for the UAR to present a counter narrative to the perceived biased coverage from Western press agencies. Ultimately, she argues that anti-colonialism was both locally constructed and deeply enmeshed in international debates over the future of decolonization. Zoe works primarily in print newspapers and periodicals from Cairo and other Third World capitals, as well as diplomatic cables from Western embassies in Cairo and Western newspapers. Under the hood of the project, Zoe relies on a web app she built to manage her data, and extract text and images from her archival research. She also utilizes statistical models, machine learning, natural language processing and computer vision algorithms to understand how discourses and symbolism in these sources changed over time.

Zoe will be an invaluable contributor to the technical development of the site in addition to her work as an editor.
Zoe will be an invaluable contributor to the technical development of the site in addition to her work as an editor.

We are excited to work with her!
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0 comments on commit 0040a20

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