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Blogpost absolute link check (programminghistorian#1128)

* check blog posts for absolute links

closes programminghistorian#1100

* remove absolute links from exisitng blogposts

* remove absolute links
  • Loading branch information...
mdlincoln committed Dec 17, 2018
1 parent ef0c21c commit f72f917c343006468646cd785084fa0f82b54445
@@ -150,6 +150,11 @@ def format_red(error)

post_errors =

# Warn if any lesson content contains absolute links
if"[\\(<]https?://*") =~ p.content
post_errors.push('It looks this post contains a full link to "". All internal links should start with "/" followed by the relative page path, and not use the full domain name.')

post_errors.push("'authors' field is missing.")
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ categories: posts
<img src="/images/dh2018blog/team-shot.png" alt=""/></a><figcaption>
Members of the Programming Historian project team at DH2018</figcaption></figure></p>

In June 2018, members the editorial board of the *Programming Historian* joined hundreds of other delegates at the [2018 Digital Humanities Conference]( (DH2018) in Mexico City, organized by the *Association of Digital Humanities Organizations* in conjunction with El Colegio de México, La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and La Red de Humanidades Digitales (RedHD). The Latin American setting was an ideal pairing for the conference theme of "Puentes/Bridges" and was the perfect opportunity to share our [Spanish language initiative at *Programming Historian*](
In June 2018, members the editorial board of the *Programming Historian* joined hundreds of other delegates at the [2018 Digital Humanities Conference]( (DH2018) in Mexico City, organized by the *Association of Digital Humanities Organizations* in conjunction with El Colegio de México, La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and La Red de Humanidades Digitales (RedHD). The Latin American setting was an ideal pairing for the conference theme of "Puentes/Bridges" and was the perfect opportunity to share our [Spanish language initiative at *Programming Historian*](/es/).

[Maria José Afanador](, one of our Spanish-language editors, presented a paper *[The Programming Historian en español: Strategies and challenges for building a global DH community](* in a panel called *Local DH, non-standardization*. The presentation, which was delivered in Spanish with bilingual slides, introduced *Programming Historian* to the audience, presented the progress of Spanish-language editorial team, discussed data on the impact of the project, and reflected on the challenges of the project moving forward.

The presentation discussed the achievements of the *Programming Historian en español*. Since its launch on March 2017, the Spanish-language team has translated 33 tutorials from English to Spanish with the support of a growing network of collaborators from countries includign Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and the United States. As the number of tutorials available in Spanish increased and the team worked to make *Programming Historian* known in Latin America and Spain, the number of visitors from Spanish-speaking countries in grew dramatically. In just a year (May 2017 to May 2018), the number of new visitors from several Spanish-speaking countries grew by as much as 1000%.
The presentation discussed the achievements of the *Programming Historian en español*. Since its launch on March 2017, the Spanish-language team has translated 33 tutorials from English to Spanish with the support of a growing network of collaborators from countries includign Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and the United States. As the number of tutorials available in Spanish increased and the team worked to make *Programming Historian* known in Latin America and Spain, the number of visitors from Spanish-speaking countries in grew dramatically. In just a year (May 2017 to May 2018), the number of new visitors from several Spanish-speaking countries grew by as much as 1000%.

The growth of the *Programming Historian en español*, has also brought about crucial discussions on the internationalization of the project. The challenges of translating and adapting *Programming Historian* tutorials into Spanish has [led the team to consider the question of how to best reach a global audience while making our tutorials accessible and meaningful in a range of cultural contexts]( Expanding on this, the presentation reflected on the challeges of incentivating the production of Spanish-language original tutorials in regions such as Latin America, where the digital divide often means limited access to resources for building basic technlogical infrastructures for digital humanities work. Moving forward, the *Programming Historian en español* is [holding a Programming Historian tutorial writing workshop]( which will bring together Spanish-speaking scholars from North, Central, and South America in an effort to produce the first original Spanish-language tutorials.
The growth of the *Programming Historian en español*, has also brought about crucial discussions on the internationalization of the project. The challenges of translating and adapting *Programming Historian* tutorials into Spanish has [led the team to consider the question of how to best reach a global audience while making our tutorials accessible and meaningful in a range of cultural contexts]( Expanding on this, the presentation reflected on the challeges of incentivating the production of Spanish-language original tutorials in regions such as Latin America, where the digital divide often means limited access to resources for building basic technlogical infrastructures for digital humanities work. Moving forward, the *Programming Historian en español* is [holding a Programming Historian tutorial writing workshop](/posts/convocatoria-taller-PH-espanol) which will bring together Spanish-speaking scholars from North, Central, and South America in an effort to produce the first original Spanish-language tutorials.

<p><figure><a href="">
<img src="/images/dh2018blog/talk-grab.png" alt=""/></a><figcaption>
Conference attendees enjoyed the talk!</figcaption></figure></p>

We were humbled to discover that the paper was nominated for the [2018 Paul Fortier Prize](, given for the best paper by a young scholar/early stage researcher at the conference. Although we did not win, we are proud that the hard work of the editorial team of the *Programming Historian* and its commitment to geographic and linguistic diversity has been recognized by the global digital humanities community.
We were humbled to discover that the paper was nominated for the [2018 Paul Fortier Prize](, given for the best paper by a young scholar/early stage researcher at the conference. Although we did not win, we are proud that the hard work of the editorial team of the *Programming Historian* and its commitment to geographic and linguistic diversity has been recognized by the global digital humanities community.

The conference was also an opportunity for the project team to meet, in many cases for the first time! The *Programming Historian* editors at DH2018 included [Marie Puren](, a member of our nascent [French language initiative](, who along with the rest of the project team distributed 200 [Programming Historian en español stickers]( to conference delegates.

@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ Her main skills in Digital Humanities include data structuring and analysis as a

<figure><img src="/images/logos/ph-fr-url.svg" alt="" width="300px"/></figure>

Marie and Sofia will contribute as editors and translators to the Programming Historian en français. The French-speaking initiative, as the Spanish one, aims to build capacity in translating Programming Historian existing lessons to French as well as in introducing original lessons in French for the French speaking community. As part of our internationalisation strategy, the members of the French-speaking initiative will also work inline with the [Additional Language Sub Teams Policy]( and will actively support and promote the PH author [guidelines for a Global Audience](
Marie and Sofia will contribute as editors and translators to the Programming Historian en français. The French-speaking initiative, as the Spanish one, aims to build capacity in translating Programming Historian existing lessons to French as well as in introducing original lessons in French for the French speaking community. As part of our internationalisation strategy, the members of the French-speaking initiative will also work inline with the [Additional Language Sub Teams Policy]( and will actively support and promote the PH author [guidelines for a Global Audience](/en/author-guidelines).
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ layout: post
categories: posts

Desde su lanzamiento en marzo de 2017, el equipo de [The Programming Historian en español](, junto con su red de colaboradores, ha traducido 38 tutoriales del inglés al español y ha iniciado el proceso para publicar lecciones originales en español. Continuando con nuestro compromiso con la diversidad lingüística y de hacer llegar estos tutoriales a un mayor número de usuarios, *The Programming Historian* está buscando un nuevo miembro para contribuir al equipo de editores de contenidos en español. El/la editor/a trabajará para hacer accesibles los tutoriales de PH al público hispanohablante, facilitará los procesos de escritura y traducción de tutoriales y actuará como editor de los mismos. De igual forma, apoyará la continuación de estrategias para construir una comunidad que ayude a aumentar el acceso y la colaboración de PH en el mundo hispanoparlante.
Desde su lanzamiento en marzo de 2017, el equipo de [The Programming Historian en español](/es/), junto con su red de colaboradores, ha traducido 38 tutoriales del inglés al español y ha iniciado el proceso para publicar lecciones originales en español. Continuando con nuestro compromiso con la diversidad lingüística y de hacer llegar estos tutoriales a un mayor número de usuarios, *The Programming Historian* está buscando un nuevo miembro para contribuir al equipo de editores de contenidos en español. El/la editor/a trabajará para hacer accesibles los tutoriales de PH al público hispanohablante, facilitará los procesos de escritura y traducción de tutoriales y actuará como editor de los mismos. De igual forma, apoyará la continuación de estrategias para construir una comunidad que ayude a aumentar el acceso y la colaboración de PH en el mundo hispanoparlante.

Los candidatos interesados deben enviar un CV y una carta de una página de extensión expresando su interés, experiencia y visión sobre el rol a [Jennifer Isasi]( con asunto/subject "Editor/a PH" a más tardar el 30 de noviembre de 2018. Cualquier pregunta por favor dirigirla a este mismo correo. El equipo del proyecto está particularmente interesado en recibir postulaciones de mujeres, miembros de cualquier grupo minoritario y ciudadanos de países no angloparlantes. Es importante aclarar que esta es una posición de servicio académico voluntario sin remuneración.

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