Web Archiving Tool
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adam3smith Merge pull request #13 from QualitativeDataRepository/issue-5
Develop Archivr into a package and add auto documentation.
Latest commit fd5c2d0 Feb 2, 2019
Type Name Latest commit message Commit time
Failed to load latest commit information.
R Revise messaging for no available api. Feb 1, 2019
man Doxygenise new functions. Jan 30, 2019
DESCRIPTION Add imports for xml2 Jan 31, 2019
NAMESPACE Fix errors from rebase. Jan 31, 2019
README.md Develop Archivr into a package and add auto documentation. Jan 28, 2019
archivr_test.R Add saving function. Dec 31, 2018
run_tests.R First commit. Dec 15, 2018



Archivr is a project by the Qualitative Data Repository that verifies the preservation of urls in Web Archives.

Basic usage (for now):

git clone 'https://github.com/QualitativeDataRepository/archivr.git'
cd archivr

Then launch R and then:



The basic function is archiv that takes a list of urls and stores them in the Way Back Machine. It will return a dataframe containing the callback data for the service.

arc_df <- archiv(list("www.example.com", "NOTAURL", "www.github.com"))
#                                                        wayback_url
# 1 http://web.archive.org/web/20190128171132/http://www.example.com
# 2                                                    url not found
# 3    http://web.archive.org/web/20190128171134/https://github.com/ ...

If you wish to use perma.cc's archive, you will need to set your api key using:


if you wish to save the urls in a particular perma.cc folder, you will need to set the default folder id using


If you do not remember the ids of your folders, you can retrieve these in a dataframe using:


and then you can archive materials:

arc_df <- archiv(list("www.example.com", "NOTAURL", "www.github.com"), "perma_cc")

To check if a list of urls are archived in perma_cc's public api, use:

arc_url_df <- view_archiv(list("www.example.com", "NOTAURL", "www.github.com"), "perma_cc")

or you may check the Wayback machine:

arc_url_df <- view_archiv(list("www.example.com", "NOTAURL", "www.github.com"), "wayback")

Archiv can archive all the urls in a webpage. This feature is subject to restrictions imposed on accounts

arc_url_df <- archiv.fromUrl("https://qdr.syr.edu/")
df <- data.frame(arc_url_df$url, arc_url_df$wayback_url)[8,]

#   arc_url_df.url                                    arc_url_df.wayback_url
# 8 http://syr.edu http://web.archive.org/web/20170110050058/http://syr.edu/

Archiv will also archive all the urls in a text file. It has been tested for docx, pdf and markdown, although other text-related files should also work. Note that text parsing can be subject to problems, especially if the document has rich features such as tables or columns.

arc_url_df <- archiv.fromUrl("path_to_file")

Archivr is a project developed by the Qualitative Data Repository at Syracuse

University, authored by Ryan Deschamps (greebie on github.com) and Agile Humanities.