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ruebot committed Jun 1, 2018
1 parent 2ac2f24 commit 55edebdd51fd1e9db2804f93e2e22af5f13eed1b
Showing with 42 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +42 −0 .github/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
**The title of this pull-request should be a brief description of what the pull-request fixes/improves/changes. Ideally 50 characters or less.**

* * *

**GitHub issue(s)**:

If you are responding to an issue, please mention their numbers below.

* ex: #1
* ex: #2

# What does this Pull Request do?

A brief description of what the intended result of the Pull Request (PR) will be, what problem it solves, technical details, and any possible side effects.

* Changes x feature to such that y
* Added x
* Removed y

# How should this be tested?

A description of what steps someone could take to:
* Reproduce the problem you are fixing (if applicable)
* Test that the PR does what is intended.
* Please be as detailed as possible.
* Good testing instructions help get your PR completed faster.

# Additional Notes:

Any additional information that you think would be helpful when reviewing this PR.

* Does this change require documentation to be updated?
* Does this change add any new dependencies?
* Could this change or impact execution of existing code?

# Interested parties

Tag (@ mention) interested parties.

Thanks in advance for your help with the Archives Unleashed Toolkit!

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