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Revised SROWA translator (zotero#1701)

* Create State Records Office of Western Australia.js

This is a Zotero translator for State Records Office of Western Australia's archive catalogue at  The catalogue is an AtoM-based system (

The translator harvests metadata for (a) Series, (b) Items, (c) Pieces.  It also will harvest metadata for multiple items returned from a catalogue search.

* Update State Records Office of Western Australia.js

Responding to suggestions from 5 August '18:
Now translates at four levels of archival description: Series, Items, Pieces, and Elements.
Added findDate(dateStr) to simplify selection of preferred date from the 0-2 date strings, by precedence EndDate > StartDate > NULL.
Revised the "Date(s)" case to (i) chose Zotero item date by precedence Creation > Accumulation > NULL, (ii) add notes for Creation and Accumulation dates, if each exists. 
Added toTitleCase(titleStr) to convert Agency(Author) names and Series titles to Title case (excepting 'of' and 'and').
Added test case that downloads an attached digital copy.

* Update State Records Office of Western Australia.js

Added missing metadata block to top of code.
Per travis-cl check, repaired code — added missing semicolons and changed quotes to double quotes.

* Update State Records Office of Western Australia.js

Revised detectWeb() to more correctly detect multiple items returned by some search modes. Also, to handle multiple items returned during informationobject browse (but not other kinds of browse).
  • Loading branch information...
ontomoc authored and adam3smith committed Oct 11, 2018
1 parent dd5bf1c commit 8ce89b75dd647d41be8305edbd830896f834796f
Showing with 439 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +439 −0 State Records Office of Western Australia.js
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