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Improvements for Dataset & DOI handling (zotero#1338)

Note for SAE: this appears currently broken due to invalid HTML
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adam3smith committed Jun 22, 2017
1 parent a463a3a commit be399e30e0d06015d58bcf60898a6519e5805194
Showing with 300 additions and 213 deletions.
  1. +52 −41 Embedded Metadata.js
  2. +10 −22 Figshare.js
  3. +14 −1 RDF.js
  4. +9 −13 RSC Publishing.js
  5. +2 −4 SAE Papers.js
  6. +2 −5 Scopus.js
  7. +211 −127 Zenodo.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcsibv",
"lastUpdated": "2017-06-06 18:09:35"
"lastUpdated": "2017-06-16 18:52:30"

@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ function getPrefixes(doc) {

//also look in html and head elements
var prefixes = (doc.documentElement.getAttribute('prefix') || '')
+ (doc.head.getAttribute('prefix') || '');
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ function processFields(doc, item, fieldMap, strict) {
function completeItem(doc, newItem) {
// Strip off potential junk from RDF
newItem.seeAlso = [];

addHighwireMetadata(doc, newItem);
addOtherMetadata(doc, newItem);
addLowQualityMetadata(doc, newItem);
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ function completeItem(doc, newItem) {
processFields(doc, newItem, CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPINGS, true);


@@ -259,14 +259,13 @@ function init(doc, url, callback, forceLoadRDF) {

if(_prefixes[prefix]) {
var prop = tag.substr(delimIndex+1, 1).toLowerCase()+tag.substr(delimIndex+2);

//bib and bibo types are special, they use rdf:type to define type
var specialNS = [_prefixes['bib'], _prefixes['bibo']];
if(prop == 'type' && specialNS.indexOf(_prefixes[prefix]) != -1) {
value = _prefixes[prefix] + value;
prefix = 'rdf';

// This debug is for seeing what is being sent to RDF
//Zotero.debug(_prefixes[prefix]+prop +"=>"+value);
statements.push([url, _prefixes[prefix]+prop, value]);
@@ -275,7 +274,7 @@ function init(doc, url, callback, forceLoadRDF) {
if(lcValue.indexOf('blogger') != -1
|| lcValue.indexOf('wordpress') != -1
|| lcValue.indexOf('wooframework') != -1
) {
) {
generatorType = 'blogPost';
} else {
@@ -308,7 +307,7 @@ function init(doc, url, callback, forceLoadRDF) {

if(statements.length || forceLoadRDF) {
// load RDF translator, so that we don't need to replicate import code
var translator = Zotero.loadTranslator("import");
@@ -317,13 +316,12 @@ function init(doc, url, callback, forceLoadRDF) {
_haveItem = true;
completeItem(doc, newItem);

translator.getTranslatorObject(function(rdf) {
for(var i=0; i<statements.length; i++) {
var statement = statements[i];
var statement = statements[i];
rdf.Zotero.RDF.addStatement(statement[0], statement[1], statement[2], true);

var nodes = rdf.getNodes(true);
rdf.defaultUnknownType = hwType || hwTypeGuess || generatorType ||
//if we have RDF data, then default to webpage
@@ -462,13 +460,13 @@ function addHighwireMetadata(doc, newItem) {
newItem.pages = firstpage +
( ( lastpage && ( lastpage = lastpage.trim() ) )?'-' + lastpage : '' );

//fall back to some other date options
if(! { = getContentText(doc, 'citation_online_date')
|| getContentText(doc, 'citation_year');

//prefer ISSN over eISSN
var issn = getContentText(doc, 'citation_issn') ||
getContentText(doc, 'citation_eIssn');
@@ -493,16 +491,16 @@ function addHighwireMetadata(doc, newItem) {

//add snapshot
newItem.attachments.push({document:doc, title:"Snapshot"});

//store PMID in Extra and as a link attachment
var PMID = getContentText(doc, 'citation_pmid');
if(PMID) {
if(newItem.extra) newItem.extra += '\n';
else newItem.extra = '';

newItem.extra += 'PMID: ' + PMID;

title: "PubMed entry",
url: "" + PMID,
@@ -525,16 +523,16 @@ function addOtherMetadata(doc, newItem) {
try {
var parsely = JSON.parse(parselyJSON);
} catch(e) {}

if(parsely) {
if(!newItem.title && parsely.title) {
newItem.title = parsely.title;

if(!newItem.url && parsely.url) {
newItem.url = parsely.url;

if(! && parsely.pub_date) {
var date = new Date(parsely.pub_date);
if(!isNaN(date.getUTCFullYear())) {
@@ -545,11 +543,11 @@ function addOtherMetadata(doc, newItem) {
}, true);

if(!newItem.creators.length && {
newItem.creators.push(ZU.cleanAuthor('', 'author'));

if(!newItem.tags.length && parsely.tags && parsely.tags.length) {
newItem.tags = parsely.tags;
@@ -564,7 +562,7 @@ function addLowQualityMetadata(doc, newItem) {
Z.debug("Title was not found in meta tags. Using document title as title");
newItem.title = doc.title;

if(newItem.title) {
newItem.title = newItem.title.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); //make sure all spaces are \u0020
if(newItem.publicationTitle) {
@@ -597,23 +595,23 @@ function addLowQualityMetadata(doc, newItem) {
if(!newItem.tags.length) {
newItem.tags = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//x:meta[@name="keywords"]/@content', namespaces);

//We can try getting abstract from 'description'
if(!newItem.abstractNote) {
newItem.abstractNote = ZU.trimInternal(
ZU.xpathText(doc, '//x:meta[@name="description"]/@content', namespaces) || '');

if(!newItem.url) {
newItem.url = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//head/link[@rel="canonical"]/@href');
if(!newItem.url) {
newItem.url = doc.location.href;

newItem.libraryCatalog =;

// add access date
newItem.accessDate = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
@@ -641,11 +639,11 @@ function getAuthorFromByline(doc, newItem) {
Z.debug("Found " + byline.length + " elements with '" + bylineClasses[i] + "' class");
for(var j=0; j<byline.length; j++) {
if (!byline[j].textContent.trim()) continue;


var actualByline;
if(!bylines.length) {
Z.debug("No byline found.");
@@ -656,12 +654,12 @@ function getAuthorFromByline(doc, newItem) {
Z.debug(bylines.length + " bylines found:");
Z.debug( { return ZU.trimInternal(n.textContent)}).join('\n'));
Z.debug("Locating the one closest to title.");

//find the closest one to the title (in DOM)
actualByline = false;
var parentLevel = 1;
var skipList = [];

// Wrap title in quotes so we can use it in the xpath
var xpathTitle = newItem.title.toLowerCase();
if(xpathTitle.indexOf('"') != -1) {
@@ -676,15 +674,15 @@ function getAuthorFromByline(doc, newItem) {
} else {
xpathTitle = '"' + xpathTitle + '"';

var titleXPath = './/*[normalize-space(translate(text(),"ABCDEFGHJIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\u00a0","abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz "))='
+ xpathTitle + ']';
Z.debug("Looking for title using: " + titleXPath);
while(!actualByline && bylines.length != skipList.length && parentLevel < 5) {
Z.debug("Parent level " + parentLevel);
for(var i=0; i<bylines.length; i++) {
if(skipList.indexOf(i) !== -1) continue;

if(parentLevel == 1) {
//skip bylines that contain bylines
var containsBylines = false;
@@ -697,7 +695,7 @@ function getAuthorFromByline(doc, newItem) {

var bylineParent = bylines[i];
for(var j=0; j<parentLevel; j++) {
bylineParent = bylineParent.parentElement;
@@ -707,7 +705,7 @@ function getAuthorFromByline(doc, newItem) {

if(ZU.xpath(bylineParent, titleXPath).length) {
if(actualByline) {
//found more than one, bail
@@ -717,11 +715,11 @@ function getAuthorFromByline(doc, newItem) {
actualByline = bylines[i];


if(actualByline) {
var byline = ZU.trimInternal(actualByline.textContent);
Z.debug("Extracting author(s) from byline: " + byline);
@@ -744,7 +742,7 @@ function getAuthorFromByline(doc, newItem) {
//skip some odd splits and twitter handles

if(authors[i].split(/\s/).length == 1) {
//probably corporate author
@@ -795,15 +793,28 @@ function finalDataCleanup(doc, newItem) {
// because most of the time they are not right
newItem.tags = [];

//Cleanup DOI
if (newItem.DOI){
newItem.DOI =newItem.DOI.replace(/^doi:\s*/, "");

// Add DOI to non-supported item types
if (newItem.DOI && !ZU.fieldIsValidForType("DOI", newItem.itemType)) {
if (newItem.extra){
newItem.extra += "\nDOI: " + newItem.DOI;
else {
newItem.extra = "DOI: " + newItem.DOI;

//remove itemID - comes from RDF translator, doesn't make any sense for online data
newItem.itemID = "";

//worst case, if this is not called from another translator, use URL for title
if(!newItem.title && !Zotero.parentTranslator) newItem.title = newItem.url;
@@ -1440,4 +1451,4 @@ var testCases = [
Oops, something went wrong.

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