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Add; resolves #42. (#43)

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ruebot authored and greebie committed Aug 28, 2018
1 parent d03c01a commit 9150f36fadc0cead3d769d9cebb1b382abc09af7
Showing with 53 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +53 −0
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Welcome!
If you are reading this document then you are interested in contributing GraphPass. All contributions are welcome: use-cases, documentation, code, ptatches, bug reports, feature requests, etc. You do not need to be a programmer to speak up!
### Use cases
If you would like to submit a use case for AUK, please submit and issue [here](, and begin the issue title with "Use Case:".
### Documentation
You can contribute documentation in two different ways. One way is to create an issue [here]( and begin the issue title with "Documentation:".
### Request a new feature
To request a new feature you should [open an issue]( or create a use case as described above (see _use case_ section above), and summarize the desired functionality. Begin the issue title with "Enhancement:".
### Report a bug
To report a bug you should [open an issue]( that summarizes the bug, and begin the issue title with "Bug".
In order to help us understand and fix the bug it would be great if you could provide us with:
1. The steps to reproduce the bug. This includes information about e.g. The AUK version you were using.
2. The expected behavior.
3. The actual, incorrect behavior.
Feel free to search the issue queue for existing issues (aka tickets) that already describe the problem; if there is such a ticket please add your information as a comment.
### Contribute code
_If you are interested in contributing code to AUK but do not know where to begin:_
In this case you should [browse open issues](
Contributions to AUK codebase should be sent as GitHub pull requests. See section _Create a pull request_ below for details. If there is any problem with the pull request we can work through it using the commenting features of GitHub.
* For _small patches_, feel free to submit pull requests directly for those patches.
* For _larger code contributions_, please use the following process. The idea behind this process is to prevent any wasted work and catch design issues early on.
1. [Open an issue](, if a similar issue does not exist already. If a similar issue does exist, then you may consider participating in the work on the existing issue.
2. Comment on the issue with your plan for implementing the issue. Explain what pieces of the codebase you are going to touch and how everything is going to fit together.
3. The AUK committers will work with you on the design to make sure you are on the right track.
4. Implement your issue, create a pull request (see below), and iterate from there.
### Create a pull request
Take a look at [Creating a pull request]( In a nutshell you need to:
1. [Fork]( the AUK GitHub repository at []( to your personal GitHub account.
2. Commit any changes to your fork.
3. Send a [pull request]( to AUK GitHub repository that you forked in step 1. If your pull request is related to an existing issue -- for instance, because you reported a [bug/issue]( earlier -- prefix the title of your pull request with the corresponding issue number (e.g. `issue-123: ...`). Please also include a reference to the issue in the description of the pull. This can be done by using '#' plus the issue number like so '#123', also try to pick an appropriate name for the branch in which you're issuing the pull request from.
You may want to read [Syncing a fork]( for instructions on how to keep your fork up to date with the latest changes of the upstream (official) `aut` repository.

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