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0 additions
and 3,388 deletions.
- +0 −13 acta-palaeontologica-polonica.csl
- +0 −20 acta-pharmaceutica.csl
- +0 −3 acta-polytechnica.csl
- +0 −4 african-zoology.csl
- +0 −6 ambio.csl
- +0 −14 american-heart-association.csl
- +0 −14 american-journal-of-clinical-pathology.csl
- +0 −14 american-journal-of-neuroradiology.csl
- +0 −14 american-journal-of-orthodontics-and-dentofacial-orthopedics.csl
- +0 −14 american-journal-of-surgical-pathology.csl
- +0 −14 american-medical-association-alphabetical.csl
- +0 −14 american-medical-association-no-et-al.csl
- +0 −14 american-medical-association-no-url.csl
- +0 −14 american-medical-association.csl
- +0 −14 american-phytopathological-society-numeric.csl
- +0 −17 american-society-of-civil-engineers.csl
- +0 −14 american-veterinary-medical-association.csl
- +0 −14 anesthesia-and-analgesia.csl
- +0 −6 antiquity.csl
- +0 −14 arthritis-and-rheumatism.csl
- +0 −14 asaio-journal.csl
- +0 −5 associacao-brasileira-de-normas-tecnicas-ipea.csl
- +0 −5 associacao-brasileira-de-normas-tecnicas.csl
- +0 −18 biological-psychiatry.csl
- +0 −5 cell-numeric.csl
- +0 −14 cell-research.csl
- +0 −14 clinical-orthopaedics-and-related-research.csl
- +0 −140 clio-medica.csl
- +0 −13 current-opinion.csl
- +0 −6 currents-in-biblical-research.csl
- +0 −14 cytometry.csl
- +0 −12 de-buck.csl
- +0 −35 deutsches-archaologisches-institut.csl
- +0 −4 diatom-research.csl
- +0 −23 din-1505-2-alphanumeric.csl
- +0 −36 din-1505-2-numeric-alphabetical.csl
- +0 −36 din-1505-2-numeric.csl
- +0 −4 dna-research.csl
- +0 −32 drug-development-research.csl
- +0 −24 ekonomie-a-management-cs.csl
- +0 −14 endocrine-press.csl
- +0 −211 ethics-book-reviews.csl
- +0 −14 eye.csl
- +0 −13 fachhochschule-kiel-fachbereich-medien.csl
- +0 −23 fachhochschule-vorarlberg-alphanumeric.csl
- +0 −6 fish-and-fisheries.csl
- +0 −6 freshwater-biology.csl
- +0 −14 gastroenterology.csl
- +0 −137 geopolitics.csl
- +0 −13 gost-r-7-0-5-2008.csl
- +0 −8 harvard-coventry-university.csl
- +0 −3 harvard-institut-fur-praxisforschung-de.csl
- +0 −14 harvard-kings-college-london.csl
- +0 −4 ices-journal-of-marine-science.csl
- +0 −38 iica-catie.csl
- +0 −14 inflammatory-bowel-diseases.csl
- +0 −29 information-systems-research.csl
- +0 −18 ingenieria-agricola.csl
- +0 −6 institut-national-de-la-recherche-scientifique-sciences-sociales.csl
- +0 −41 institute-of-physics-numeric.csl
- +0 −6 interdisziplinare-zeitschrift-fur-technologie-und-lernen.csl
- +0 −13 international-journal-of-climatology.csl
- +0 −12 international-pig-veterinary-society-congress-proceedings.csl
- +0 −14 investigative-radiology.csl
- +0 −24 iso690-author-date-cs.csl
- +0 −3 iso690-author-date-en.csl
- +0 −3 iso690-author-date-es.csl
- +0 −3 iso690-author-date-fr-no-abstract.csl
- +0 −3 iso690-author-date-fr.csl
- +0 −24 iso690-author-date-sk.csl
- +0 −37 iso690-note-cs.csl
- +0 −24 iso690-numeric-brackets-cs.csl
- +0 −24 iso690-numeric-cs.csl
- +0 −29 iso690-numeric-lt.csl
- +0 −29 iso690-numeric-sk.csl
- +0 −14 israel-medical-association-journal.csl
- +0 −10 jahrbuch-der-osterreichischen-byzantinischen-gesellschaft.csl
- +0 −6 javnost-the-public.csl
- +0 −34 journal-for-the-history-of-astronomy.csl
- +0 −14 journal-of-aerosol-medicine-and-pulmonary-drug-delivery.csl
- +0 −14 journal-of-antimicrobial-chemotherapy.csl
- +0 −34 journal-of-applied-philosophy.csl
- +0 −4 journal-of-chemical-ecology.csl
- +0 −4 journal-of-elections-public-opinion-and-parties.csl
- +0 −45 journal-of-finance.csl
- +0 −6 journal-of-fish-diseases.csl
- +0 −14 journal-of-geriatric-psychiatry-and-neurology.csl
- +0 −14 journal-of-internal-medicine.csl
- +0 −17 journal-of-marketing.csl
- +0 −14 journal-of-oral-and-maxillofacial-surgery.csl
- +0 −13 journal-of-petrology.csl
- +0 −14 journal-of-pharmacy-and-pharmacology.csl
- +0 −14 journal-of-spinal-disorders-and-techniques.csl
- +0 −6 journal-of-the-air-and-waste-management-association.csl
- +0 −14 journal-of-the-american-college-of-cardiology.csl
- +0 −14 journal-of-the-american-college-of-surgeons.csl
- +0 −37 journal-of-the-american-society-of-brewing-chemists.csl
- +0 −4 journal-of-tropical-ecology.csl
- +0 −4 knee-surgery-sports-traumatology-arthroscopy.csl
- +0 −14 korean-journal-of-anesthesiology.csl
- +0 −17 law-and-society-review.csl
- +0 −6 les-journees-de-la-recherche-avicole.csl
- +0 −13 lethaia.csl
- +0 −78 lettres-et-sciences-humaines-fr.csl
- +0 −7 limnology-and-oceanography.csl
- +0 −16 medical-history.csl
- +0 −184 melbourne-school-of-theology.csl
- +0 −12 middle-east-critique.csl
- +0 −59 modern-humanities-research-association-author-date.csl
- +0 −12 modern-humanities-research-association.csl
- +0 −14 neurorehabilitation-and-neural-repair.csl
- +0 −12 new-harts-rules-the-oxford-style-guide.csl
- +0 −12 norma-portuguesa-405.csl
- +0 −14 ophthalmology.csl
- +0 −134 oxford-studies-in-ancient-philosophy.csl
- +0 −12 oxford-the-university-of-new-south-wales.csl
- +0 −13 palaeontology.csl
- +0 −13 paleobiology.csl
- +0 −6 perspectives-on-politics.csl
- +0 −14 pharmacoepidemiology-and-drug-safety.csl
- +0 −7 phyllomedusa.csl
- +0 −24 podzemna-voda.csl
- +0 −3 pour-reussir-note.csl
- +0 −21 proinflow.csl
- +0 −6 reviews-of-modern-physics-with-titles.csl
- +0 −18 revista-ciencias-tecnicas-agropecuarias.csl
- +0 −14 risk-analysis.csl
- +0 −17 rose-school.csl
- +0 −3 royal-society-of-chemistry.csl
- +0 −5 sociedade-brasileira-de-computacao.csl
- +0 −3 soziologie.csl
- +0 −5 springer-basic-brackets-no-et-al.csl
- +0 −5 springer-basic-brackets.csl
- +0 −6 springer-humanities-author-date.csl
- +0 −49 springer-humanities-brackets.csl
- +0 −43 springer-socpsych-brackets.csl
- +0 −5 springer-vancouver.csl
- +0 −14 standards-in-genomic-sciences.csl
- +0 −14 stavebni-obzor.csl
- +0 −14 stem-cells.csl
- +0 −51 studii-teologice.csl
- +0 −10 stuttgart-media-university.csl
- +0 −13 technische-universitat-munchen-controlling.csl
- +0 −13 technische-universitat-munchen-unternehmensfuhrung.csl
- +0 −14 the-american-journal-of-cardiology.csl
- +0 −12 the-astrophysical-journal.csl
- +0 −27 the-journal-of-adhesive-dentistry.csl
- +0 −18 the-journal-of-juristic-papyrology.csl
- +0 −29 the-journal-of-roman-studies.csl
- +0 −14 the-journal-of-urology.csl
- +0 −44 the-review-of-financial-studies.csl
- +0 −6 transactions-of-the-american-philological-association.csl
- +0 −24 transportation-research-record.csl
- +0 −18 turabian-fullnote-bibliography.csl
- +0 −41 universidad-evangelica-del-paraguay.csl
- +0 −3 universitat-bremen-institut-fur-politikwissenschaft.csl
- +0 −10 universitat-freiburg-geschichte.csl
- +0 −11 universitat-heidelberg-historisches-seminar.csl
- +0 −79 universite-laval-faculte-de-theologie-et-de-sciences-religieuses.csl
- +0 −12 universiteit-utrecht-onderzoeksgids-geschiedenis.csl
- +0 −6 veterinary-record.csl
- +0 −15 vingtieme-siecle.csl
- +0 −14 who-europe-numeric.csl
- +0 −14 wireless-communications-and-mobile-computing.csl
- +0 −6 world-politcs.csl
- +0 −3 zeitschrift-fur-soziologie.csl
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