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Make contributor notes on tests more reflect reality of what runs in …

…CI (#779)
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benclifford authored and yadudoc committed Feb 19, 2019
1 parent 74df701 commit eae61de54db156c9ff5d24b6bedce9bc46be4c44
Showing with 35 additions and 14 deletions.
  1. +35 −14 CONTRIBUTING.rst
@@ -33,32 +33,53 @@ style. A concise summary is available `here <http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readt
`ReadTheDocs <>`_.


Parsl uses ``pytest`` to run unit tests. All tests should be included in the ``parsl/parsl/tests``
directory. Before running tests usage tracking should be disabled using the PARSL_TESTING environment variable::
Parsl uses ``pytest`` to run most tests. All tests should be placed
the ``parsl/tests`` directory. Before running tests usage tracking
should be disabled using the PARSL_TESTING environment variable::

$ export PARSL_TESTING="true"

Testing configurations are collected in ``parsl/parsl/tests/configs``. Each file in that directory should contain a single config
dictionary ``config``. Configurations for remote sites which rely on user-specific options are skipped unless they have been specified in
``parsl/parsl/tests/``. To run the tests::
There are two broad groups of tests: those which must run with a
specific configuration, and those which should work with any
reasonable configuration.

Tests which run with a specific configuration live under the
``parsl/tests/sites`` and ``parsl/tests/integration`` directory.
They are launched by .travis.yaml with a pytest parameter of
``--config local`` and each test file should initialise a DFK

$ pytest tests --basic
Tests which should with with any configuration live under
themed directories ``parsl/tests/test*/`` and should named ``test*.py``.
They can be run with any configuration, by specifying ``--config CONFIGPATH``
where CONFIGPATH is a path to a ``.py`` file exporting a parsl configuration
object named ``config``. The parsl-specific test fixtures with ensure
a suitable DFK is loaded with that configuration for each test.

This will run the tests on a basic selection of configs (which is what Travis CI will test). Omitting the ``--basic`` will run all of the configs. Running, for example::
There is more fine-grained enabling and disabling of tests within the
above categories:

$ pytest tests --config
A pytest marker of ``cleannet`` (for clean network) can be used to select
or deselect tests which need a very cleen network (for example, for tests
making FTP transfers). Travis does not provide a sufficiently clean
network and so .travis.yml runs all tests with ``-k "not cleannet"`` to
disable those tests.

Will run all of the tests for config ````. To run a specific test, for example:::
Some other markers are available but unused in travis testing;
see ``pytest --markers parsl/tests/`` for more details.

$ pytest test_python_apps/ --basic
A specific test in a specific file can be run like this:::

To run tests with a timeout limit of one minute, run::
$ pytest test_python_apps/

$ pytest tests --basic --timeout=60
A timeout can be added to test runs using a pytest parameter such as

Several parsl-specific decorators are available for specifying certain configurations to test with; see ``pytest --markers parsl/tests/`` for more details.
Many tests are marked with ``@pytest.mark.skip`` for reasons usually
specified directly in the annotation - generally because they are broken
in one way or another.

Coverage testing

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