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Generates searchable DeepZoom presentations of Gephi graphs
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.gitignore Adds first workable version Jun 13, 2019
LICENSE Fixed Gehpy/Gephi typo Jun 13, 2019


Generates searchable DeepZoom presentations of Gephi graphs

Primarily maintained by Toke Eskildsen,, Royal Danish Library


  • bash, wget, GraphicsMagic, vips
  • SVG exported from Gephi


Gephi graphs (connected nodes) are hard to visualise at scale in a browser: Using a vectorised format, such as SVG, serious hardware is required for zoom & pan when the node count gets into the 10s or 100s of thousands.

graph_presenter is a simple how-to, a small bash script and a bit of JavaScript, which aims to produce a DeepZoom bitmap rendering of a SVG from Gephi, presenting it using OpenSeadragon for seamless zoom & pan on modest hardware. Using the coordinates from the SVG, nodes can be searched and visually marked through the GUI.



  • Generate a graph using Gephi and export is as a SVG.
  • Call ./ mygraph.svg mypresentation
  • Upload the generated folder mypresentation to a webserver or open mypresentation/index.html locally

The size of the rendered DeepZoom image can be controlled using RENDER_SIZE. The default is 20K pixels, suitable for testing and smaller (5K nodes) graphs. For a large graph with e.g. 100K nodes, something like 50K pixels is better:

RENDER_SIZE=50000 ./ mygraph.svg mypresentation


The ./ script is at its core extremely simple:

  1. Use GraphicsMagic to convert the SVG to PNG: gm convert -size 20000x20000 mygraph.svg mygraph.png
  2. Create DeepZoom tiles from the png: vips dzsave mygraph.png mygraph --suffix .png
  3. Extract node-names & coordinates: tr '\n' ' ' < mygraph.svg | grep -o "<circle [^/]*/>" | sed 's/<circle.* r="\([^"]*\)".* cx="\([^"]*\)".* class="id_\([^"]*\)".* cy="\([^"]*\)".*\/>/\3 \2 \4 \1/' | LC_ALL=C sort

The JavaScript domain_control.js supports search by looking sequentially through all the node-names generated in step #3 and getting their coordinates. For each of these coordinates, an overlay is added to the OpenSeadragon display.

Notes & to-do

  • Rendering in 50K is doable on a 16GB machine, but might take hours. More RAM helps a lot. GraphicsMagic is the bottleneck here. A better scaling SVG→PNG converter would be a welcome addition.
  • GraphicsMagic has a problem with kerning for some renders. It should be investigated whether changing fonts could help here.
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