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Adds note about Safari, resolves #206 (#209)

* Adds note about Safari, resolves #206
* Adding another note in the Gephi learning guide
  • Loading branch information...
ianmilligan1 authored and ruebot committed Nov 12, 2018
1 parent 5aa1e76 commit c30c152f1b5fef161debebc24a1d02c69b76bf53
Showing with 2 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +1 −0 app/views/pages/documentation.html.erb
  2. +1 −0 app/views/pages/gephi.html.erb
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
<li class="about_li">Finally, below the download options, you can see a frequency table of the top 10 domains found within the collection.</li>
<p class="about_p"><strong>Are you using Safari and having trouble with the network downloads?</strong> If so, note that Safari by default will add the <code>.xml</code> extension to your <code>.graphml</code> and <code>.gexf</code> downloads. To use the file, remove the <code>.xml</code> extension using Finder (rename the file to remove the trailing <code>.xml</code>).</p>
<%= image_tag("AUK_output.png", alt: "Output Files", class:"body_img")%>
<h3 class="about_h3">Interactive Hyperlink Diagram</h3>
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
<h3 class="about_h3">Loading Your Data into Gephi</h3>
<p class="about_p">The downloaded .graphml file can be opened directly in Gephi by choosing "Open Graph File" from the Gephi startup screen and then selecting the file to be opened.</p>
<p class="about_p">Note that if you are using Safari, the file may come with an extra <code>.xml</code> extension added to it (i.e. it will read <code>9745-gephi.gexf.xml</code>). You will need rename the file to remove <code>.xml</code>. The file should end with <code>.gexf</code>.</p>
<%= image_tag("Tutorial_OpenFile.png", alt: "The dialog box from Gephi showing how to open a graph file", class:"body_img")%>
<p class="about_p">Once opened, we see from the statistics on the upper right hand corner that the collection has 4106 nodes, or individual websites, and 6817 connections between those websites, or edges.</p>
<%= image_tag("Tutorial_Gexf.png", alt: "The Gephi interface, highlighting the context and data laboratory aspects", class:"body_img")%>

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