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remove incorrect description from status click binding

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jesseduffield committed Jun 30, 2019
1 parent 50a6eb6 commit dcd5bcdfcd8ebc5b44e3e9b90cb0a9838a155512
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
<kbd>o</kbd>: open lazydocker config
<kbd>[</kbd>: previous tab
<kbd>]</kbd>: next tab
<kbd>│</kbd>: next tab
<kbd>m</kbd>: view logs
<kbd>enter</kbd>: focus main panel
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
<kbd>o</kbd>: open lazydocker config
<kbd>[</kbd>: previous tab
<kbd>]</kbd>: next tab
<kbd>│</kbd>: next tab
<kbd>m</kbd>: view logs
<kbd>enter</kbd>: focus main panel
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
<kbd>o</kbd>: open lazydocker config
<kbd>[</kbd>: previous tab
<kbd>]</kbd>: next tab
<kbd>│</kbd>: next tab
<kbd>m</kbd>: view logs
<kbd>enter</kbd>: focus main panel
@@ -154,11 +154,10 @@ func (gui *Gui) GetInitialKeybindings() []*Binding {
Description: gui.Tr.NextContext,
ViewName: "status",
Key: gocui.MouseLeft,
Modifier: gocui.ModNone,
Handler: gui.handleStatusClick,
Description: gui.Tr.NextContext,
ViewName: "status",
Key: gocui.MouseLeft,
Modifier: gocui.ModNone,
Handler: gui.handleStatusClick,
ViewName: "status",

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