// KnownError takes an error and tells us whether it's an error that we know about where we can print a nicely formatted version of it rather than panicking with a stack trace
ConnectionFailed: "connection to docker client failed. You may need to restart the docker client",
UnattachableContainerError: "Container does not support attaching. You must either run the service with the '-it' flag or use `stdin_open: true, tty: true` in the docker-compose.yml file",
CannotAttachStoppedContainerError: "You cannot attach to a stopped container, you need to start it first (which you can actually do with the 'r' key) (yes I'm too lazy to do this automatically for you) (pretty cool that I get to communicate one-on-one with you in the form of an error message though)",
CannotAccessDockerSocketError: "Can't access docker socket at: unix:///var/run/docker.sock\nRun lazydocker as root or read https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/",
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