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Remove hotfix reference from CONTRIBUTING to reflect current policy (#…

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benclifford committed Jul 9, 2019
1 parent e179400 commit 4cea89bdea96f44b74d5c6eb4030e6c6679a31f1
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
  1. +1 −1 CONTRIBUTING.rst
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Parsl development follows a common pull request-based workflow similar to `GitHu
* development branches should include tests for added features
* development branches should be tested after being brought up-to-date with the master (in this way, what is being tested is what is actually going into the code; otherwise unexpected issues from merging may come up)
* branches what have been successfully tested are merged via pull requests (PRs)
* PRs should be used for review and discussion (except hot fixes, which can be pushed to master)
* PRs should be used for review and discussion
* PRs should be reviewed in a timely manner, to reduce effort keeping them synced with other changes happening on the master branch

Git commit messages should include a single summary sentence followed by a more explanatory paragraph. Note: all commit messages should reference the GitHub issue to which they relate. A nice discussion on the topic can be found `here <>`_.

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commented on 4cea89b Jul 9, 2019


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