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Rephrase some monitoring doc (#1022)

* Remove requirement to run in pwd, as absolute path is always specified. Change some phrasing of launching in public mode.

* add comma
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benclifford authored and annawoodard committed Jun 19, 2019
1 parent 9be2f93 commit 5ca37a553487c6920230430138d5fa849a0eecb3
Showing with 5 additions and 5 deletions.
  1. +5 −5 docs/userguide/monitoring.rst
@@ -52,22 +52,22 @@ Here's an example configuration that logs monitoring information to a local sqli

Run the `parsl-visualize` utility in the directory with the
`monitoring.db` sqlite file to launch a web page for the workflow visualization::
Run the `parsl-visualize` utility specifying the `monitoring.db` file
to launch a web page for the workflow visualization::

$ parsl-visualize sqlite:///<absolute-path-to-db>

For example, if `monitoring.db` is in `/tmp` (as `/tmp/monitoring.db`), run `parsl-visualize` as follows::
For example, if the full path to your `monitoring.db` is `/tmp/monitoring.db`, run:

$ parsl-visualize sqlite:////tmp/monitoring.db

This starts a visualization web server on `` by default. If you are running on a machine with a web browser, you can access viz_server in the browser via ``. If you are running on the login node of a cluster, to access viz_server in a local machine's browser, you need an ssh tunnel from your local machine to the cluster::
This starts a visualization web server on ``. If you are running on a machine with a web browser, you can access viz_server in the browser via ``. If you are running on the login node of a cluster, to access viz_server in a local machine's browser, you can use an ssh tunnel from your local machine to the cluster::

$ ssh -L 50000: username@cluster_address

This binds your local machine's port 50000 to the remote cluster's port 8080. This allows you to access viz_server directly on your local machine's browser via ``.

.. warning:: Below is an alternative to host the viz_server, which may violate the cluster's security policy. Please check with your cluster admin before doing this.
.. warning:: Below is an alternative to host the viz_server on a cluster, which may violate the cluster's security policy. Please check with your cluster admin before doing this.
If the cluster allows you to host a web server on its public IP address with a specific port (i.e., open to Internet via `public_IP:55555`), you can run::

$ parsl-visualize --listen --port 55555 sqlite:///<absolute-path-to-db>

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