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Adding YouTube video link and embedding video, resolves #53

* updating Youtube link to get involved page and embedding video in AUK page
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SamFritz authored and ianmilligan1 committed Sep 25, 2018
1 parent b23bf07 commit d4b7847dbe61e6542e509ef20e6a95e1aa41660f
@@ -29,7 +29,13 @@ In addition, AUK's [documentation](
## A Guided Tour of AUK
Let's take a tour of how AUK works. Once a user signs up to [](, they enter their Archive-It credentials, which are salted and encrypted. Those credentials are then used to sync their Archive-It collections with AUK using Archive-It's [WASAPI]( endpoint. This is done as a background job, and once it is complete, it emails the user to let them know that their Archive-It collections are synced and available for further analysis.
Let's take a tour of how AUK works. Below you will find a video tour of the Archives Unleashed Cloud, followed by a brief overview of what you can expect when working with AUK.
<iframe width="900" height="300" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Once a user signs up to [](, they enter their Archive-It credentials, which are salted and encrypted. Those credentials are then used to sync their Archive-It collections with AUK using Archive-It's [WASAPI]( endpoint. This is done as a background job, and once it is complete, it emails the user to let them know that their Archive-It collections are synced and available for further analysis.
The main collections screen provides some basic information about each collection: title, if the collection has been analyzed in AUK yet, if it is publicly available (in Archive-It), the number of ARC/WARCs in the collection, and the size of the collection. You can see this below!
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ There are many ways you can participate in the Archives Unleashed Project. You c
Please read our [Code of Conduct](/about-project#code-of-conduct).
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| ![In-Person Events](/images/meeting.png) | We will be holding four datathons starting in April 2018! Please stay tuned for our Calls for Participation for our datathon [events](/events). |
| ![GitHub](/images/gears.png) | If you would like to contribute code or help with the development of the Archives Unleashed [Cloud](/cloud) or [Toolkit](/aut). Visit our [GitHub organization and repositories](, open issues, submit pull requests, or make any suggestion in our [Slack group]( |
| ![Test](/images/beaker.png) | We'd love to have individuals test out our toolkit. Let us know by [e-mail]( or in [Slack]( Or just hop in and see how it works (but let us know, we'd love to hear how it goes). |
| ![Share](/images/share.png) | Love web archives? Share our website, project, events, and beyond with colleagues. |
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| ![In-Person Events](/images/meeting.png) | We will be holding four datathons starting in April 2018! Please stay tuned for our Calls for Participation for our datathon [events](/events) |
| ![GitHub](/images/gears.png) | If you would like to contribute code or help with the development of the Archives Unleashed [Cloud](/cloud) or [Toolkit](/aut). Visit our [GitHub organization and repositories](, open issues, submit pull requests, or make any suggestion in our [Slack group]( |
| ![Test](/images/beaker.png) | We'd love to have individuals test out our toolkit. Let us know by [e-mail]( or in [Slack]( Or just hop in and see how it works (but let us know, we'd love to hear how it goes). |
| ![Share](/images/share.png) | Love web archives? Share our website, project, events, and beyond with colleagues. |
| ![Learn](/images/learn.png) | Checkout our learning resources, including a new [YouTube Channel]( The Archives Unleashed Cloud [Learning Guides]( walk through how to use derivative files. If you'd like more hands on with the Archives Unleashed Toolkit, examples scripts can be found in the [AUT]( section of our website. |
## Connect
Join our <a href="">Slack team</a> if you want to see how things are developing, to discuss suggestions or other parts of our project, or to just shoot the breeze about all things web archiving.</p>
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