Browse files

Fix CSV export breakage if uniqueFields property isn't provided

uniqueFields is added by the client in legacy mode but might not be
provided for translation-server.
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dstillman committed Aug 10, 2018
1 parent cef1f22 commit 2f26e57cc542f178d12e993ae6ff317cc721d28a
Showing with 3 additions and 3 deletions.
  1. +3 −3 CSV.js
6 CSV.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 2,
"lastUpdated": "2016-06-21 08:45:20"
"lastUpdated": "2018-08-10 06:37:30"
@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ function getValue(item, field) {
if (item[field] || item.uniqueFields[field]) {
value += escapeValue('' + (item[field] || item.uniqueFields[field]));
if (item[field] || (item.uniqueFields && item.uniqueFields[field])) {
value += escapeValue('' + (item[field] || (item.uniqueFields && item.uniqueFields[field])));
return value + fieldWrapperCharacter;

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