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Delete adjacent spaces in edition/edition pattern
Replacing the prefix/suffix adjacent spaces with group and one delimiter space, as described generally in #1301 . Search for this pattern here (70 hits in 70 files): ``` <[^/>]*"edition"[^/>]*suffix="[^"/>]* "[^/>]*/?>\s*\r\n\s*<[^/>]*"edition"[^/>]*prefix=" [^"/>]*"[^/>]*/?> ``` Every occurence here looks actually the same: ``` <group> <text variable="edition" suffix=" "/> <text term="edition" prefix=" "/> </group> ``` which will then replaced by ``` <group delimiter=" "> <text variable="edition"/> <text term="edition"/> </group> ```
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207 additions
and 207 deletions.
- +3 −3 ambio.csl
- +3 −3 american-journal-of-archaeology.csl
- +3 −3 antiquity.csl
- +3 −3 asian-studies-review.csl
- +3 −3 australian-historical-studies.csl
- +3 −3 bioelectromagnetics.csl
- +3 −3 biotechnology-and-bioengineering.csl
- +3 −3 canadian-public-policy.csl
- +3 −3 chicago-author-date-basque.csl
- +3 −3 chicago-author-date-de.csl
- +3 −3 chicago-author-date.csl
- +3 −3 clio-medica.csl
- +3 −3 cuadernos-de-filologia-clasica.csl
- +3 −3 culture-medicine-and-psychiatry.csl
- +3 −3 currents-in-biblical-research.csl
- +3 −3 de-buck.csl
- +3 −3 deutsches-archaologisches-institut.csl
- +3 −3 drug-development-research.csl
- +3 −3 ethics-book-reviews.csl
- +3 −3 european-cells-and-materials.csl
- +3 −3 european-union-interinstitutional-style-guide.csl
- +3 −3 geopolitics.csl
- +3 −3 human-brain-mapping.csl
- +3 −3 institut-national-de-la-recherche-scientifique-sciences-sociales.csl
- +3 −3 interdisziplinare-zeitschrift-fur-technologie-und-lernen.csl
- +3 −3 international-journal-of-lexicography.csl
- +3 −3 international-organization.csl
- +3 −3 journal-for-the-history-of-astronomy.csl
- +3 −3 journal-of-applied-philosophy.csl
- +3 −3 journal-of-finance.csl
- +3 −3 journal-of-industrial-ecology.csl
- +3 −3 journal-of-interactive-marketing.csl
- +3 −3 journal-of-retailing.csl
- +3 −3 journal-of-the-air-and-waste-management-association.csl
- +3 −3 language.csl
- +3 −3 melbourne-school-of-theology.csl
- +3 −3 middle-east-critique.csl
- +3 −3 modern-humanities-research-association-author-date.csl
- +3 −3 modern-humanities-research-association.csl
- +3 −3 moore-theological-college.csl
- +3 −3 new-harts-rules-the-oxford-style-guide.csl
- +3 −3 new-testament-studies.csl
- +3 −3 oscola-no-ibid.csl
- +3 −3 oxford-the-university-of-new-south-wales.csl
- +3 −3 perspectives-on-politics.csl
- +3 −3 philosophia-scientiae.csl
- +3 −3 radiopaedia.csl
- +3 −3 reviews-of-modern-physics-with-titles.csl
- +3 −3 society-for-american-archaeology.csl
- +3 −3 society-of-biblical-literature-fullnote-bibliography.csl
- +3 −3 springer-humanities-author-date.csl
- +3 −3 springer-humanities-brackets.csl
- +3 −3 taylor-and-francis-chicago-author-date.csl
- +3 −3 taylor-and-francis-chicago-f.csl
- +3 −3 the-accounting-review.csl
- +3 −3 the-journal-of-juristic-papyrology.csl
- +3 −3 the-journal-of-roman-studies.csl
- +3 −3 the-review-of-financial-studies.csl
- +3 −3 transactions-of-the-american-philological-association.csl
- +3 −3 turabian-fullnote-bibliography.csl
- +3 −3 unified-style-linguistics.csl
- +3 −3 universita-cattolica-del-sacro-cuore.csl
- +3 −3 universita-di-bologna-lettere.csl
- +3 −3 universite-du-quebec-a-montreal.csl
- +3 −3 universiteit-utrecht-onderzoeksgids-geschiedenis.csl
- +3 −3 university-college-dublin-school-of-history-and-archives.csl
- +3 −3 university-of-helsinki-faculty-of-theology.csl
- +3 −3 wheaton-college-phd-in-biblical-and-theological-studies.csl
- +3 −3 world-politcs.csl
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