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adam3smith committed Sep 29, 2017
1 parent cedbded commit 08a0389eaf8ea7bb11e0246e382505bbba3373a3
Showing with 10 additions and 10 deletions.
  1. +10 −10 PubMed Central.js
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
"translatorID": "27ee5b2c-2a5a-4afc-a0aa-d386642d4eed",
"label": "PubMed Central",
"creator": "Michael Berkowitz and Rintze Zelle",
"target": "^https?://(www\\.)?ncbi\\.nlm\\.nih\\.gov/pmc",
"target": "^https://(www\\.)?ncbi\\.nlm\\.nih\\.gov/pmc",
"minVersion": "3.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcsibv",
"lastUpdated": "2017-01-26 04:49:54"
"lastUpdated": "2017-09-29 03:13:21"
function detectWeb(doc, url) {
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function getSearchResults(doc, checkOnly) {
function lookupPMCIDs(ids, doc, pdfLink) {
var newUri = "//"
var newUri = ""
+ encodeURIComponent(ids.join(","));
ZU.doGet(newUri, function (text) {
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ function lookupPMCIDs(ids, doc, pdfLink) {
var linkurl = "" + ids[i] + "/";
var linkurl = "" + ids[i] + "/";
newItem.url = linkurl;
newItem.attachments = [{
url: linkurl,
@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ function lookupPMCIDs(ids, doc, pdfLink) {
if (pdfLink) {
var pdfFileName = pdfLink[ids[i]];
} else if (ZU.xpathText(article, 'selfuri/@xlinktitle') == "pdf") {
var pdfFileName = "" +
var pdfFileName = "" +
ids[i] + "/pdf/" + ZU.xpathText(article, 'selfuri/@xlinkhref');
} else if (ZU.xpathText(article, 'articleid[@pubidtype="publisherid"]')){
//this should work on most multiples
var pdfFileName = "" +
var pdfFileName = "" +
ids[i] + "/pdf/" + ZU.xpathText(article, 'articleid[@pubidtype="publisherid"]') + ".pdf";
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ var testCases = [
"libraryCatalog": "PubMed Central",
"pages": "37",
"publicationTitle": "Respiratory Research",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"volume": "9",
"attachments": [
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ var testCases = [
"libraryCatalog": "PubMed Central",
"pages": "2767-2777",
"publicationTitle": "Statistics in medicine",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"volume": "30",
"attachments": [
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ var testCases = [
"journalAbbreviation": "PLoS One",
"libraryCatalog": "PubMed Central",
"publicationTitle": "PLoS ONE",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"volume": "5",
"attachments": [
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ var testCases = [
"pages": "88-102",
"publicationTitle": "Immunological Reviews",
"shortTitle": "The human immune response to tuberculosis and its treatment",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"volume": "264",
"attachments": [

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