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Update ERIC.js (#1279)

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zuphilip authored and adam3smith committed Apr 5, 2017
1 parent 4333b9c commit 1d56b98bf6659383c618cac17f9ab278d8cd8876
Showing with 88 additions and 63 deletions.
  1. +88 −63 ERIC.js
151 ERIC.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcsibv",
"lastUpdated": "2016-09-14 05:28:16"
"lastUpdated": "2017-03-17 05:58:32"

@@ -30,77 +30,102 @@
along with this program. If not, see <>.

function detectWeb(doc,url) {
var xpath='//meta[@name="citation_journal_title"]';
var type = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//meta[@name="source"]/@content');
if (ZU.xpath(doc, xpath).length > 0) {
if (type && type.indexOf("Non-Journal")!=-1) return "book"
else return "journalArticle";

function detectWeb(doc, url) {
var hasTitle = doc.querySelector("meta[name=citation_title]");
if (hasTitle) {
var type = doc.querySelector("meta[name=source][content]");
if (type && type.content.indexOf("Non-Journal")!=-1) {
return "book";
} else {
return "journalArticle";
} else if (getSearchResults(doc, false)) {
return "multiple";

else if (getMultiples(doc).length>0) return "multiple";
return false;

function getMultiples(doc) {
return ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[@class="r_t"]/a[contains(@href, "id=")]');

function getSearchResults(doc, checkOnly) {
var items = {};
var found = false;
var rows = doc.querySelectorAll("div.r_t > a[href*='id=']");
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
var href = rows[i].href;
var title = ZU.trimInternal(rows[i].textContent);
if (!href || !title) continue;
if (checkOnly) return true;
found = true;
items[href] = title;
return found ? items : false;

function doWeb(doc,url) {

function doWeb(doc, url) {
if (detectWeb(doc, url) == "multiple") {
var hits = {};
var urls = [];
var results = getMultiples(doc)
var link;
for (var i in results) {

hits[results[i].href] = results[i].textContent.trim();
Z.selectItems(hits, function(items) {
if (items == null) return true;
for (var j in items) {
Zotero.selectItems(getSearchResults(doc, false), function (items) {
if (!items) {
return true;
ZU.processDocuments(urls, doWeb);
} else {
var abstract = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[@class="abstract"]');
var DOI = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//a[contains(text(), "Direct link")]/@href');
var type = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//meta[@name="source"]/@content');
// We call the Embedded Metadata translator to do the actual work
var translator = Zotero.loadTranslator('web');
//use Embedded Metadata
translator.setHandler('itemDone', function(obj, item) {
if (abstract) item.abstractNote = abstract.replace(/^\|/, "");
//the metadata isn't good enough to properly distinguish item types. Anything that's non journal we treat as a book
if (type && type.indexOf("Non-Journal")!=-1) item.itemType = "book";
item.title = item.title.replace(/.\s*$/, "");
if (item.ISSN){
var ISSN = item.ISSN.match(/[0-9Xx]{4}\-[0-9Xx]{4}/);
if (ISSN) item.ISSN = ISSN[0]
if (item.ISBN) item.ISBN = ZU.cleanISBN(item.ISBN.replace('ISBN', ''));
if (item.publisher) item.publisher = item.publisher.replace(/\..+/, "");
if (DOI){
DOImatch = decodeURIComponent(DOI).match(/doi\.org\/(10\..+)/);
if (DOImatch) item.DOI = DOImatch[1];
var articles = [];
for (var i in items) {
// Only include URL if full text is hosted on ERIC
if (!ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[@id="r_colR"]//img[@alt="PDF on ERIC"]').length) {
delete item.url;

item.libraryCatalog = "ERIC";
ZU.processDocuments(articles, scrape);
} else {
scrape(doc, url);

function scrape(doc, url) {
var abstract = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[@class="abstract"]');
var DOI = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//a[contains(text(), "Direct link")]/@href');
var type = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//meta[@name="source"]/@content');
var authorString = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//meta[@name="citation_author"]/@content');
// We call the Embedded Metadata translator to do the actual work
var translator = Zotero.loadTranslator('web');
//use Embedded Metadata
translator.setHandler('itemDone', function(obj, item) {
if (abstract) item.abstractNote = abstract.replace(/^\|/, "");
//the metadata isn't good enough to properly distinguish item types. Anything that's non journal we treat as a book
if (type && type.indexOf("Non-Journal")!=-1) {
item.itemType = "book";
item.title = item.title.replace(/.\s*$/, "");
if (authorString.indexOf("|")>-1) {
item.creators = [];
var authors = authorString.split("|");
for (var i=0; i<authors.length; i++) {
item.creators.push(ZU.cleanAuthor(authors[i], "author", true));
if (item.ISSN) {
var ISSN = item.ISSN.match(/[0-9Xx]{4}\-[0-9Xx]{4}/);
if (ISSN) item.ISSN = ISSN[0];
if (item.ISBN) item.ISBN = ZU.cleanISBN(item.ISBN.replace('ISBN', ''));
if (item.publisher) item.publisher = item.publisher.replace(/\..+/, "");
if (DOI) {
DOImatch = decodeURIComponent(DOI).match(/doi\.org\/(10\..+)/);
if (DOImatch) item.DOI = DOImatch[1];
// Only include URL if full text is hosted on ERIC
if (!ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[@id="r_colR"]//img[@alt="PDF on ERIC"]').length) {
delete item.url;
item.libraryCatalog = "ERIC";

var testCases = [
"type": "web",
@@ -230,7 +255,7 @@ var testCases = [
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "journalArticle",
@@ -249,7 +274,7 @@ var testCases = [
"libraryCatalog": "ERIC",
"pages": "185-196",
"publicationTitle": "Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"volume": "22",
"attachments": [

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