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Update PyPI.js (#1779)

* Use version instead of versionNumber
  • Loading branch information...
zuphilip authored and adam3smith committed Nov 4, 2018
1 parent 8f64313 commit 313362a438895ea57c788d33d8a4046773fbc103
Showing with 107 additions and 42 deletions.
  1. +107 −42 PyPI.js
149 PyPI.js
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
"translatorID": "94a8328a-ec87-4ba0-82b6-cf3000ea1dee",
"label": "PyPI",
"creator": "Philipp Zumstein",
"target": "^https?://pypi\\.python\\.org/pypi",
"target": "^https?://pypi\\.org/(project|search)",
"minVersion": "3.0",
"maxVersion": "",
"priority": 100,
"inRepository": true,
"translatorType": 4,
"browserSupport": "gcsibv",
"lastUpdated": "2017-05-13 13:11:51"
"lastUpdated": "2018-11-03 08:21:27"

@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@

function detectWeb(doc, url) {
if (ZU.xpathText(doc, '//head/link[@rel="meta" and @title="DOAP"]/@href')) {
if (url.includes('/project')) {
return "computerProgram";
} else if ((url.indexOf('action=search')>-1 || url.indexOf('action=browse')>-1) && getSearchResults(doc, true)) {
} else if (getSearchResults(doc, true)) {
return "multiple";
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function detectWeb(doc, url) {
function getSearchResults(doc, checkOnly) {
var items = {};
var found = false;
var rows = ZU.xpath(doc, '//tr/td/a[contains(@href, "/pypi/")]');
var rows = ZU.xpath(doc, '//a[contains(@class, "package-snippet") and contains(@href, "/project/")]');
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
var href = rows[i].href;
var title = ZU.trimInternal(rows[i].textContent);
@@ -82,51 +82,58 @@ function doWeb(doc, url) {
function scrape(doc, url) {
var item = new Z.Item("computerProgram");

//info from h1 and following line
item.title = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//h1[not(@id="logoheader")]');
var found = item.title.match(/\sv?([\d.]+)$/);
// info from h1 and meta tag
item.title = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//h1[contains(@class, "package-header__name")]');
var found = item.title.match(/\sv?([\d.]+)\s*$/);
if (found) {
item.title = item.title.slice(0,found.index);
item.version = found[1];
var subtitle = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//h1[not(@id="logoheader")]/following::p[1]');
var subtitle = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//meta[@property="og:description"]/@content');
if (subtitle) {
item.title += ": " + subtitle;

//info from top level li
var author = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "section")]/ul/li[strong[contains(., "Author")]]/span');
var author = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "vertical-tabs__tabs")]//p[strong[contains(., "Author")]]/a');
if (author) {
item.creators.push(ZU.cleanAuthor(author, "author"));
item.url = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "section")]/ul/li[strong[contains(., "Home Page")]]/a');
item.rights = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "section")]/ul/li[strong[contains(., "License")]]/span');
item.system = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "section")]/ul/li[strong[contains(., "Platform")]]/span');
item.url = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "vertical-tabs__tabs")]//a[contains(., "Homepage")]/@href');
item.rights = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "vertical-tabs__tabs")]//p[strong[contains(., "License")]]/text()');
var keywords = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "vertical-tabs__tabs")]//span[contains(@class, "package-keyword")]');
for (let keyword of keywords) {

//info from linked categories
var programmingLanguage = ZU.xpath(doc, '//li/a[contains(., "Programming Language ::")]');
for (var i=0; i<programmingLanguage.length; i++) {
var split = programmingLanguage[i].textContent.split("::");
// info from linked categories
var programmingLanguage = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "vertical-tabs__tabs")]//a[contains(@href, "/search/?c=Programming+Language+")]');
for (let i=0; i<programmingLanguage.length; i++) {
let split = programmingLanguage[i].textContent.split("::");
let value = split[0].trim();
if (item.programmingLanguage) {
if (item.programmingLanguage.indexOf(split[1].trim())==-1) {
item.programmingLanguage += ", " + split[1].trim();
if (!item.programmingLanguage.includes(value)) {
item.programmingLanguage += ", " + value;
} else {
item.programmingLanguage = split[1].trim();
item.programmingLanguage = value;
var topics = ZU.xpath(doc, '//li/a[contains(., "Topic ::")]');
for (var i=0; i<topics.length; i++) {
var split = topics[i].textContent.split(" :: ");
item.tags.push(split.slice(1).join(" - "));
var topics = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "vertical-tabs__tabs")]//a[contains(@href, "/search/?c=Topic+")]');
for (let topic of topics) {
let split = topic.textContent.trim().split(" :: ");
item.tags.push(split.join(" - "));
var license = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//li/a[contains(., "License ::")]');
var license = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "vertical-tabs__tabs")]//a[contains(@href, "/search/?c=License+")]');
if (license && !item.rights) {
item.rights = license.split(" :: ")[2];
item.rights = license;
if (item.rights) {
item.rights = item.rights.replace(/\s?\([^\)]+\)/g, '');
var os = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//li/a[contains(., "Operating System ::")]');
if (os && !item.system) {
item.system = os.split(" :: ")[1];
var osList = ZU.xpath(doc, '//div[contains(@class, "vertical-tabs__tabs")]//a[contains(@href, "/search/?c=Operating+System+")]');
if (osList && !item.system) {
osList = => os.textContent.trim());
item.system = osList.join(', ');

@@ -141,12 +148,12 @@ function scrape(doc, url) {
var testCases = [
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"items": "multiple"
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "computerProgram",
@@ -160,18 +167,18 @@ var testCases = [
"libraryCatalog": "PyPI",
"programmingLanguage": "Python",
"rights": "MIT License",
"rights": "Academic Free License, MIT License",
"shortTitle": "simplejson",
"system": "any",
"url": "",
"version": "3.10.0",
"attachments": [
"title": "Snapshot"
"tags": [
"Software Development - Libraries - Python Modules"
"tag": "Software Development - Libraries - Python Modules"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
@@ -180,12 +187,12 @@ var testCases = [
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"items": "multiple"
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "computerProgram",
@@ -203,16 +210,74 @@ var testCases = [
"shortTitle": "lxml",
"system": "OS Independent",
"url": "",
"version": "3.7.3",
"attachments": [
"title": "Snapshot"
"tags": [
"Software Development - Libraries - Python Modules",
"Text Processing - Markup - HTML",
"Text Processing - Markup - XML"
"tag": "Software Development - Libraries - Python Modules"
"tag": "Text Processing - Markup - HTML"
"tag": "Text Processing - Markup - XML"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []
"type": "web",
"url": "",
"items": [
"itemType": "computerProgram",
"title": "papis-zotero: Interact with zotero using papis",
"creators": [
"firstName": "Alejandro",
"lastName": "Gallo",
"creatorType": "author"
"libraryCatalog": "PyPI",
"programmingLanguage": "Python",
"rights": "GNU General Public License v3",
"shortTitle": "papis-zotero",
"system": "MacOS, POSIX, Unix",
"url": "",
"attachments": [
"title": "Snapshot"
"tags": [
"tag": "Utilities"
"tag": "bibtex,"
"tag": "biliography"
"tag": "cli,"
"tag": "management,"
"tag": "papis,"
"tag": "zotero,"
"notes": [],
"seeAlso": []

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