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add issue/pr templates

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mahmoud committed Dec 20, 2018
1 parent 38dce8a commit 3da704103679ecb7f0e496e4119a4c280548fe45
Showing with 93 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +54 −0 .github/
  2. +39 −0 .github/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Thanks for considering contributing to Awesome Python Applications! If
you're not suggesting adding a project, you can stop reading
now and delete the remainder of this template
(Please title your issue `"Add project: <project name>"`)

## Basic info

**Application name**:
**Application repo link**:
**Application home link**:
**Application description**:

## Qualifications

There are a ton of great Python projects out there, but what makes an
application "Awesome™"? Please check that all of the following criteria apply:

- [ ] Free software with an online source repository.
- [ ] Using Python for a considerable part of their functionality.
- [ ] Well-known, or at least prominently used in an identifiable niche.
- [ ] Maintained or otherwise demonstrably still functional on relevant platforms.
- [ ] An application, not a library or framework.

Note that installability via pip/PyPI and a developer-audience focus
may warrant a higher standard for inclusion, in keeping with the
spirit of the list:

## Additional notability info

<!-- Prominent uses or users, or promotional material, ideally written for an audience not familiar with that project's particular technologies) -->


## One more thing
Since you've made it this far, why not consider filing [a PR](
If your suggestion is a GitHub project, it's as easy as adding 2-3
lines to the `projects.yaml` file. There are comments and plenty of
examples in the file. Here's [an edit link](
No pressure or anything, feel free to smack that submit button, too! Thanks again!
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Thanks for considering contributing to Awesome Python Applications! If
you're not suggesting adding a project, you can stop reading
now and delete the remainder of this template
(Please title your PR `"Add project: <project name>"`)

## Basic info

**Application name**:
**Application repo link**:
**Application home link**:
**Application description**:

## Qualifications

There are a ton of great Python projects out there, but what makes an
application "Awesome™"? Please check that all of the following criteria apply:

- [ ] Free software with an online source repository.
- [ ] Using Python for a considerable part of their functionality.
- [ ] Well-known, or at least prominently used in an identifiable niche.
- [ ] Maintained or otherwise demonstrably still functional on relevant platforms.
- [ ] An application, not a library or framework.

Note that installability via pip/PyPI and a developer-audience focus
may warrant a higher standard for inclusion, in keeping with the
spirit of the list:

## Additional notability info

<!-- Prominent uses or users, or promotional material, ideally written for an audience not familiar with that project's particular technologies) -->

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