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Adds FAQ on more functionality, closes #329 (#330)

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ianmilligan1 authored and ruebot committed Oct 3, 2019
1 parent 63ee8bb commit 9e761767b3015047169e751253705e70751d870b
Showing with 3 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +3 −0 app/views/pages/faq.html.erb
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
<p class="about_p"><strong>What does the hyperlink diagram represent?</strong></p>
<p class="about_p">The interactive hyperlink diagram was designed to help users see their web archive collections at a glance, and visualizes the connections between the domains present within the collection.</p>
<p class="about_p">The diagram is based on social network theory, which visualizes the communication or connection relationships between entities (individuals, groups, organizations, institutions).</p>
<p class="about_p"><strong>I want to do "X", but the Archives Unleashed Cloud doesn't support it? What can I do?</strong></p>
<p class="about_p">First, let us know! Join our <%= link_to('Slack', '', target: '_blank') %> group, or open up an issue on our <%= link_to('GitHub repository', '', target: '_blank') %>.</p>
<p class="about_p">Unfortunately, we cannot serve all diverse use cases – our goal is to translate web archive files into usable derivatives that researchers can analyze on their own (see the next question). In some cases, the <%= link_to('Archives Unleashed Toolkit', '', target: '_blank') %> might be better suited to deal with your more advanced research queries. Please consult our extensive <%= link_to('user documentation', '', target: '_blank') %>. You can also see some innovative ways that people have used the Toolkit by looking at past presentations from our <%= link_to('series of Archives Unleashed datathons', '', target: '_blank') %>.</p>
<p class="about_p"><strong>I have the derivatives, but now what do I do?</strong></p>
<p class="about_p">Now comes the fun part of digging into your web archival collections. The derivatives give you a starting point for further analysis. The way you approach analyzing the derivatives, however, will largely depend on the content of the collections, topic, and what some of your research questions are.</p>
<p class="about_p">To start your research process, we have prototype Jupyter Notebooks available for you to work with the derivatives generated by the Archives Unleashed Cloud. They allow you to interactively explore and filter the domain count information, extracted full text, and network visualization data generated by the Archives Unleashed Cloud. You can read more about this in our blog post "<%= link_to('Exploring Web Archival Data through Archives Unleashed Cloud Jupyter Notebooks', '', target: '_blank') %>" and in our learning guide "<%= link_to('Getting Started with the Archives Unleashed Cloud Jupyter Notebooks', '/derivatives/notebooks', target: '_blank') %>."</p>

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