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Updates to testing documentation (#1488)

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kylechard authored and yadudoc committed Dec 5, 2019
1 parent de8db4d commit 40383cc9d4b34b5e3f3c1e7410d55da5e7453a34
Showing with 6 additions and 6 deletions.
  1. +6 −6 CONTRIBUTING.rst
@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ the ``parsl/tests`` directory.

There are two broad groups of tests: those which must run with a
specific configuration, and those which should work with any
reasonable configuration.

Tests which run with a specific configuration live under the
``parsl/tests/sites`` and ``parsl/tests/integration`` directory.
They are launched by .travis.yaml with a pytest parameter of
``parsl/tests/sites`` and ``parsl/tests/integration`` directories.
They can be launched with a pytest parameter of
``--config local`` and each test file should initialise a DFK

Tests which should with with any configuration live under
Tests which should run with with any configuration live under
themed directories ``parsl/tests/test*/`` and should be named ``test*.py``.
They can be run with any configuration, by specifying ``--config CONFIGPATH``
where CONFIGPATH is a path to a ``.py`` file exporting a parsl configuration
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ There is more fine-grained enabling and disabling of tests within the
above categories:

A pytest marker of ``cleannet`` (for clean network) can be used to select
or deselect tests which need a very cleen network (for example, for tests
or deselect tests which need a very clean network (for example, for tests
making FTP transfers). Travis does not provide a sufficiently clean
network and so .travis.yml runs all tests with ``-k "not cleannet"`` to
disable those tests.
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ A pytest marker of ``issue363`` can be used to select or deselect tests
that will fail because of issue 363 when running without a shared file

Some other markers are available but unused in travis testing;
Some other markers are available but unused in Travis testing;
see ``pytest --markers parsl/tests/`` for more details.

A specific test in a specific file can be run like this:::

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