
Three new preprints on the future of Open Science

To start off the week, I am delighted to share three new articles/preprints/perspectives about reforming various elements of scholarly communication/publishing/open science. Enjoy, and any feedback very much welcomed! A value proposition for Open Science Open Science has become commonly understood in terms of its practices. Open Access, Open Data, and Open Source software are all […]

Justice oriented science, open science, and replicable science are overlapping, but they are not the same – RMW’s blogg

Source: Justice oriented science, open science, and replicable science are overlapping, but they are not the same – RMW’s blogg Let’s face it: we are two different movements for openness/replicability It is time to accept that we already are two separate movements: open/replicable scientists who want to include identity politics and social justice in the […]