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Update to 0.50.0 and DataFrames where applicable. (#44)

* Update to 0.50.0 and DataFrames where applicable.
  • Loading branch information
ruebot committed Feb 10, 2020
1 parent c7b99dd commit 928523f7169aa2f5de77b239d1284ab997ec4ab0
Showing with 160 additions and 110 deletions.
  1. +79 −54 aut-0.50.0/
  2. +81 −56 current/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

Welcome to the Archives Unleashed Toolkit hands-on walkthrough!

![Spark Terminal](
![Spark Terminal](

The reality of any hands-on workshop is that things will break. We've tried our best to provide a robust environment that can let you walk through the basics of the Archives Unleashed Toolkit alongside us.

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Welcome to
____ __
/ __/__ ___ _____/ /__
_\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/ '_/
/___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\ version 2.4.3
/___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\ version 2.4.4
Using Scala version 2.11.12 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_212)
@@ -83,38 +83,53 @@ Now cut and paste the following script:

import io.archivesunleashed._
import io.archivesunleashed.matchbox._
import io.archivesunleashed.df._
RecordLoader.loadArchives("/aut-resources/Sample-Data/*.gz", sc)
.map(r => ExtractDomainRDD(r.getUrl))
.show(10, false)

Let's take a moment to look at this script. It:

* begins by importing the AUT libraries;
* tells the program where it can find the data (in this case, the sample data that we have included in this Docker image);
* tells it only to keep the "valid" pages, in this case HTML data;
* tells it only to keep the "[valid](" pages, in this case HTML data;
* tells it to `ExtractDomain`, or find the base domain of each URL - i.e. `` we are interested just in the domain, or ``;
* count them - how many times does `` appear in this collection, for example;
* and display the top ten!
* and display a DataFrame the top ten!

Once it is pasted in, let's run it.

You run pasted scripts by holding the *Ctrl* key and the *D* key at the same time. Try that now.
You run pasted scripts by pressing `ctrl` + `d`. Try that now.

You should see:

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
import io.archivesunleashed.spark.matchbox._
import io.archivesunleashed.spark.rdd.RecordRDD._
r: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((,4644), (,1968), (,732), (,601), (,465), (,417), (,396), (,90), (,40), (,39))
|domain |count|
| |4274 |
| |1968 |
||588 |
| |535 |
| |442 |
| |416 |
| |348 |
| |88 |
| |39 |
| |22 |
only showing top 10 rows
import io.archivesunleashed._
import io.archivesunleashed.df._

We like to use this example to do two things:
@@ -126,13 +141,15 @@ We like to use this example to do two things:

import io.archivesunleashed._
import io.archivesunleashed.matchbox._
import io.archivesunleashed.df._
RecordLoader.loadArchives("/data/*.gz", sc)
.map(r => ExtractDomainDF(r.getUrl))
.show(10, false)

# Extracting some Text
@@ -141,17 +158,19 @@ Now that we know what we might find in a web archive, let us try extracting some

Above we learned that the Liberal Party of Canada's website has 1,968 captures in the sample files we provided. Let's try to just extract that text.

To load this script, remember: type `paste`, copy-and-paste it into the shell, and then hold `ctrl` and `D` at the same time.
To load this script, remember: type `:paste`, copy-and-paste it into the shell, and then press `ctrl` + `d`.

import io.archivesunleashed._
import io.archivesunleashed.matchbox._
import io.archivesunleashed.df._
val domains = Set("")
RecordLoader.loadArchives("/aut-resources/Sample-Data/*.gz", sc)
.map(r => (r.getCrawlDate, r.getDomain, r.getUrl, RemoveHTMLRDD(r.getContentString)))
.select($"crawl_date", ExtractDomainDF($"url").alias("domain"), $"url", RemoveHTMLDF($"content").alias("content"))

**If you're using your own data, that's why the domain count was key!** Swap out the "" command above with the domain that you want to look at from your own data.
@@ -168,19 +187,22 @@ Try running the **exact same script** that you did above.

import io.archivesunleashed._
import io.archivesunleashed.matchbox._
import io.archivesunleashed.df._
val domains = Set("")
RecordLoader.loadArchives("/aut-resources/Sample-Data/*.gz", sc)
.map(r => (r.getCrawlDate, r.getDomain, r.getUrl, RemoveHTMLRDD(r.getContentString)))
.select($"crawl_date", ExtractDomainDF($"url").alias("domain"), $"url", RemoveHTMLDF($"content").alias("content"))

Instead of a nice crisp feeling of success, you will see a long dump of text beginning with:

org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileAlreadyExistsException: Output directory file:/data/liberal-party-text already exists
20/02/06 23:43:05 WARN SparkSession$Builder: Using an existing SparkSession; some configuration may not take effect.
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: path file:/data/liberal-party-text already exists.;

To get around this, you can do two things:
@@ -192,51 +214,54 @@ Good luck!

## Other Text Analysis Filters

Take some time to explore the various options and variables that you can swap in and around the `.keepDomains` line. Check out the [documentation]( for some ideas.
Take some time to explore the various options and variables that you can swap in and around the `.keepDomainsDF` line. Check out the [documentation]( for some ideas.

Some options:

* **Keep URL Patterns**: Instead of domains, what if you wanted to have text relating to just a certain pattern? Substitute `.keepDomains` for a command like: `.keepUrlPatterns(Set("(?i)*".r))`
* **Filter by Date**: What if we just wanted data from 2006? You could add the following command after `.keepValidPages()`: `.keepDate(List("2006"), ExtractDateRDD.DateComponent.YYYY)`
* **Filter by Language**: What if you just want French-language pages? After `.keepDomains` add a new line: `.keepLanguages(Set("fr"))`.
* **Keep URL Patterns**: Instead of domains, what if you wanted to have text relating to just a certain pattern? Substitute `.keepDomainsDF` for a command like: `.keepUrlPatternsDF(Set("(?i)*".r))`
* **Filter by Date**: What if we just wanted data from 2006? You could add the following command after `.webpages()`: `.keepDateDF(List("2006"), "YYYY")`
* **Filter by Language**: What if you just want French-language pages? After `.keepDomainsDF` add a new line: `.keepLanguagesDF(Set("fr"))`.

For example, if we just wanted the French-language Liberal pages, we would run:

import io.archivesunleashed._
import io.archivesunleashed.matchbox._
import io.archivesunleashed.df._
val domains = Set("")
val languages = Set("fr")
RecordLoader.loadArchives("/aut-resources/Sample-Data/*.gz", sc)
.map(r => (r.getCrawlDate, r.getDomain, r.getUrl, RemoveHTMLRDD(r.getContentString)))
.select($"crawl_date", ExtractDomainDF($"url").alias("domain"), $"url", RemoveHTMLDF($"content").alias("content"))

Or if we wanted to just have pages from 2006, we would run:

import io.archivesunleashed._
import io.archivesunleashed.matchbox._
import io.archivesunleashed.df._
RecordLoader.loadArchives("/aut-resources/Sample-Data/*.gz", sc)
.keepDate(List("2006"), ExtractDateRDD.DateComponent.YYYY)
.map(r => (r.getCrawlDate, r.getDomain, r.getUrl, RemoveHTMLRDD(r.getContentString)))
.keepDateDF(List("2006"), "YYYY")
.select($"crawl_date", ExtractDomainDF($"url").alias("domain"), $"url", RemoveHTMLDF($"content").alias("content"))

Finally, if we want to remove the HTTP headers – let's say if we want to create some nice word clouds – we can add a final command: `RemoveHttpHeader`.

import io.archivesunleashed._
import io.archivesunleashed.matchbox._
import io.archivesunleashed.df._
RecordLoader.loadArchives("/aut-resources/Sample-Data/*.gz", sc)
.map(r => (r.getCrawlDate, r.getDomain, r.getUrl, RemoveHttpHeaderRDD(RemoveHTMLRDD(r.getContentString))))
.select($"crawl_date", ExtractDomainDF($"url").alias("domain"), $"url", RemoveHTTPHeaderDF(RemoveHTMLDF($"content").alias("content")))

You could now try uploading one of the plain text files using a website like [Voyant Tools](
@@ -259,10 +284,10 @@ ExtractEntities.extractFromRecords("/aut-resources/NER/english.all.3class.distsi

This will take a fair amount of time, even on a small amount of data. It is very computationally intensive! I often use it as an excuse to go make a cup of coffee.

When it is done, in the /data file you will have results. The first line should look like:
When it is done, you will have results in the `/data` directory. The first line should look like:

(20060622,,{"PERSON":["Marie"],"ORGANIZATION":["Green Communities Canada","Green Communities Canada News and Events Our Programs Join Green Communities Canada Downloads Privacy Policy Site Map GCA Clean North Kathie Brosemer"],"LOCATION":["St. E. Sault","Canada"]})
{"timestamp":"20060622","url":"","named_entities":{"persons":["Marie"],"organizations":["Green Communities Canada","Green Communities Canada News and Events Our Programs Join Green Communities Canada Downloads Privacy Policy Site Map GCA Clean North Kathie Brosemer"],"locations":["St. E. Sault","Canada"]},"digest":"sha1:3e3dc1e855b994d838564ac8d921451451a199d5"}

Here we can see that in this website, it was probably taking about Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

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